Boston Matrix allows businesses to analyze their product portfolio range.
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What is meant by market share?
Does the product being sold have a low or high market share?
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What is meant by market growth?
Are the numbers of potential customers growing or not
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High Market growth
High market share
Cahs neutral
Will become cash cows
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Cash Cow
Low market growth
High market share
Cahs generating
harvest or milk
mature, successful products with relatively little need for investment
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Question marks
Hig market growth
Low market share
Cahs absorbing
have potential, but may need substantial investment to grow market share
6 of 7
Low market growth
Low market share
Cash neutral
May generate enough cash to break even, but they are rarely worth investing in and are usually sold or closed
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What is meant by market share?
Does the product being sold have a low or high market share?
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