brain and cranial nerves
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- Created by: DianaIspas
- Created on: 22-11-19 17:06
What s the function of cerebellum
fine motor control- precise motor activity
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what is the function of midbrain
gross motor control. motor movement, movement of the eye. auditory and visual processing
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what is the function of pons
control of breathing, comm between diff parts of brain. sensations such as hearing, taste and balance
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what is the function of medulla oblongata
regulate breathing, heart and blood vessel function. digestion, sneezing + swallowing
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what are meninges and what are the 3 layers
protective coverings for the brain and spinal cord. dura,arachnaoid , Pia
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what are the 2 layers of dura
outer periosteal and inner meningeal
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what is falx cerebri and tentorium cerebelli
falx cerebri- 2 layers of dura stuck together between the 2 cerebral hemispheres. tentorium cerebelli-horizontal. cerebellum from hemispheres
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how are dural venous sinuses formed and where can the middle meningeal artery be found
formed when the inner meningeal layer separated from outer periosteal . middle meningeal artery can be found between the 2 layers of the dura mater
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What artery supplies the anterior and posterior part of brain
anterior and middle is the internal carotid from common carotid. goes through carotid canal. vertebral arteries supply the posterior part of the brain through transverse foramina of the cervical vertebrae. go into brain through foramen magnum
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what does the anterior cerebral artery supply
the medial aspect of cerebral hemisphere
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what does the posterior cerebral artery supply
the posterior aspect of the cerebral hemisphere including the visual cortex
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what does the middle cerebral artery supply
the lateral aspect of the left cerebral hemisphere
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what is the sequence of arteries in the brain: from vertebral arteries to anterior cerebral arteries
vertebral arteries- basilar artery- posterior cerebral artery-posterior communicating artery-internal carotid (from here it branches middle cerebral artery)- anterior communication artery- anterior cerebral artery
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what is the sequence of dural venous sinuses
superior sagittal sinus+straight sinus(the straight sinus comes from inferior. sagittal sinus)= confluence of sinuses at the internal occipital protuberance- transverse sinus+ superior petrosal sinus (this comes from cavernous sinus)- sigmoid sinus-
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internal jugular vein at jugular foramen
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where is CSF made
lateral ventricles 1+2
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what is the function of arachnoid granulations
recycle CSF
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what are the modalities of CNs
somatic sensory, somatic motor, parasympathetic, special sensory, mixed, visceral sensory
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olfactory receptor cells pass through ...
cribriform palate
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what are the modalities of oculomotor nerve? what is innervated by each modality
somatic motor: 4 extra ocular muscles (skeletal), levator palpebral superioris (eyelid). parasympathetic: sphincter pupillae muscles
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what muscle does CN IV innervates and where does this nerve emerge from
superior oblique muscle. emerge from posterior aspect of midbrain
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what muscle is innervated by CN VI. where does it emerge from
lateral rectus muscle. junction between pons and medulla
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where does CN V emerge from and what muscles is it motor to
emerge from pons. motor to muscles of mastication, ABD, mylohyoid and 2 tensors
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what nerves emerge from what cranial fossa
1- anterior 2-6= middle 7-12= posterior
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through what foramen does each branch of CN V emerge from
Va= Superior orbital fissure. Vb= foramen rotundum Vc= foramen ovale
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through what foramen does the middle meningeal artery enter and leave the brain
foramen spinous
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what is coated by dura mater
brain, blood vessels/nerves entering/leaving the brain
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what is the outer periosteal and inner meningeal stuck to
inner aspect of skull. inner= stuck to outer layer
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where does the straight sinus come from
from the inferior sagittal sinus
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where does the superior petrosal sinus come from. where is it positioned
from cavernous. sinus. sits on. superior border of petrous temporal bone
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what nerves are visceral sensory? and from where is the signal transmitted
glossopharyngeal and vagus. from carotid sinus/body, pharynx, larynx, bronchi, lungs, heart, GI tract
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where are the olfactory receptors cells found
in the olfactory mucosa (roof of nasal cavities)
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where is the motor root of CN V in relation to sensory ganglion
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what is diaphragam sellae
flat piece of dura mater with a circular. hole allowing the vertical passage of the pituitary stalk
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what can be found in trigeminal sensory ganglion
all sensory fibres from CN V. cell bodies of CN V peripheral sensory neurones
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
what is the function of midbrain
gross motor control. motor movement, movement of the eye. auditory and visual processing
Card 3
what is the function of pons
Card 4
what is the function of medulla oblongata
Card 5
what are meninges and what are the 3 layers
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