Brandenburg Concerto no5 movement 3
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- Created by: monkeykid
- Created on: 04-03-17 15:30
what key is the brandenburg Concerto in?
D major
1 of 50
what sharps are in D major?
f sharp and c sharp
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who composed the Brandenburg Concerto's?
Johann Sebastian Bach
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what is ornamentation and what types are used in this piece?
notes that decorate a piece of music. trills and grace notes
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what is diatonic?
notes that belong to the key of the piece?
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what is monophonic?
a single melody line
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what is homophonic?
a melody and an accompaniment
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what is polyphonic?
more than 1 melody sounding at the same time or entering at slightly different times
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what is a sequence?
the repetition of a musical phrase at a higher or lower pitch than the original
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what is a pedal?
a sustained note
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what is suspension?
prolonging a note to create a dissonance with the next chord
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what is affection?
the prevailing mood in a Baroque movement
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what is the difference between concerto grosso and a solo concerto?
concerto grosso has more than 1 soloist
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what is patronage?
a system where composers earn money by making music for wealthy individuals
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what is dialoguing?
instruments playing one aftr another swapping ideas
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what is antiphonal?
swapping between different musical groups
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what is the concertino?
the soloists in the piece
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what is the ripieno?
the larger group of instruments
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what is the basso coninuo?
the continuos bass part
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what is figured bass?
a type of musical shorthand for keyboard players
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what is the role of the basso contiinuo?
to fill in the gaps and keep the music flowing
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what rolees does the harpsichord have?
soloist, basso continuo, realises ffigured bass as chorrds and melodies and coordinates the piece
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what's the difference between fugue and ternary?
fuge is A B C ternary is A B A
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what is a fugal exposition and where is it in this piece.
the initial statements of the subject and answer. in bars 1-2
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what is a subject?
the short main theme of the fugue
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what is an answer?
the subject repeated in a higher or lower pitch
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what bars are part A?
bar 1-78 and bars 233-310
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what bars are part B?
bars 79-232
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what is the dominant note?
the ffth note strongest after the tonic
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what feel does tthe stepwise movement give the piece?
a gigue feel
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what is the range of each melody?
an octave
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what does bar 1 start on in the violin?
an off beat rest
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what is countersubject and where can you find an example of a counter subject rhythm?
the melody played after the suject or answer has sounded. bars 41-44
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what is stretto and where can you find an example?
where entries of the music appear closer than before. bars 39-41
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why does the harpsichord trill it's minims and where can you find an example?
to make the notes last longer. bars 19,21,68 and 70
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where can you find examples of subject and answer?
bars 1,2,17,29,31,33,39,40,48,50,64,65,66,and 75
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what is the texture of bars 1-2?
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what is the texture of bars 3-9?
2 part counterpoint
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what is the texture of bars 9-10?
3 part counterpoint
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what is the texture of bars 10-29
4 part counterpoint
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what in contrapuntal?
when 2 melodies are played against each other and interweave
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what is counterpoint?
the similtaneous combination of 2 or more melodis with independant rhythms
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what are passing modulations?
where a new key stays for a few bars then changes again
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from bar 12 the key starts to change what causes this and what key is it in?
the addition of g sharps. a major
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from bar 23 the key changes what causes this and what key is it in?
the addition of d sharps. e major
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at bar 28 what key does it go back to?
a major
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at bar 37 what key is the piece in?
d major
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where might you find a perfect cadence?
bars 16-17/24-25/28-29/ 63-64/77-78
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where might you find a passing modulation?
around bar 37
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what is secondary dominant?
the dominant of the dominant
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
what sharps are in D major?
f sharp and c sharp
Card 3
who composed the Brandenburg Concerto's?
Card 4
what is ornamentation and what types are used in this piece?
Card 5
what is diatonic?
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