Breakdown of Relationships 0.0 / 5 ? PsychologyRelationshipsA2/A-levelAQA Created by: Breeda StewartCreated on: 17-07-15 11:03 Duck & Rollie created the... Breakdown model 1 of 15 Who created the breakdown of relationship reasons? Duck 2 of 15 What year did they create the reasons? 1999 3 of 15 When was the breakdown model created? 2006 4 of 15 Who founded the skills conclusion? Baxter et al 5 of 15 When did they find this conclusion about skills? 1994 6 of 15 What did Shaver et al conclude puts most strain on relationships? Long distance relationships 7 of 15 One IDA Gender Bias 8 of 15 Another IDA Ethics 9 of 15 The First stage of breakdown Breakdown 10 of 15 The second stage of breakdown Intrapsychic Process 11 of 15 The third stage of breakdown Dyadic Process 12 of 15 The forth stage of breakdown Social Process 13 of 15 The fifth stage of breakdown Grave-Dressing 14 of 15 The sixth stage of breakdown Resurrection Process 15 of 15
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