Breast cancer 0.0 / 5 ? Health & Social CareHealth condition: breast cancerASAQA Created by: charliedeeCreated on: 24-04-16 16:34 What is breast cancer? Cancer of the breast 1 of 11 Give 5 risk factors to develop breast cancer Age, family history, previously having breast cancer, previous benign breast lump, high breast density 2 of 11 Give 5 symptoms of breast cancer Lump/ area of thickened tissue, change is size or shape of breast, discharge from *******, lump/ swelling in armpits, change in appearance of ****** 3 of 11 When deciding what treatment is best what will the doctors consider? Stage and grade of the cancer, general health of the cancer, whether or not they've been through menopause 4 of 11 Give the 5 main treatments for breast cancer Surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, biological therapy (targeted therapy) 5 of 11 Give 2 lifestyle changes to make with breast cancer Have a balanced diet & exercise, have a low intake of saturated fat and alcohol 6 of 11 Give 2 physical impacts of breast cancer Side effects from treatment, may need to surgically remove breasts (masectomy) 7 of 11 Give 2 intellectual impacts of having breast cancer Joining online forums, worry of waiting for test results - lack of concentration 8 of 11 Give 2 emotional impacts of having breast cancer Councelling from support groups, shock/ numbness & not being able to cope 9 of 11 Give 2 social impacts of having breast cancer Effect on appearance may mean they leave the house less, side effects affct how you are around people 10 of 11 Give 2 finincial impacts of having breast cancer Free precriptions, macmillan grants if you have financial worries 11 of 11
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