BREAST CANCER. 0.0 / 5 ? Health & Social CareUnderstanding health conditions and patient care pathwaysASAQA Created by: tillyhadfieldCreated on: 03-03-16 17:06 What is the defintion of Breast Cancer? Cancer of the breast tissue. 1 of 10 What are the two types of Breast Cancer? 1. Non-invasive = Ducts of the breast can't spread. 2. Invasive = Spreads outside. 2 of 10 What are the causes of Breast Cancer? 1. Over 50 years of age. 2. Genes. 3. Previous Breast Cancer. 4. Being overweight. 5. Radiation. 3 of 10 What are the symtpoms of Breast Cancer? 1. Lump in breast. 2. Blood streaked discharge from the ******. 3. ****** inverting. 4. Rash around the ******. 5. Dimpling of the skin on the breast. 4 of 10 What treatment is there for Breast Cancer? 1. Lumpectomy. 2.Mastectomy. 3. Radiothearpy. 4. Chemothearpy. 5. Hormone treatment. 5 of 10 What are the physical effects of Breast Cancer? 1. Removal of breast. 2. Limited movement. 3. Pain in the breast after surgery. 6 of 10 What are the intellectual effects of Breast Cancer? 1. Time off work. 2. Increased awareness of Breast Cancer. 7 of 10 What are the emotional effects of Breast Cancer? 1. Depression. 2. Lack of self-esteem. 3. Angry as to why it had to be them. 4. Feeling like less of a women. 5. Fear about survival 8 of 10 What are the social effects of Breast Cancer? 1. Less time at work. 2. Support from friends and family. 3. Support groups. 9 of 10 What are the financial effects of Breast Cancer? 1. Time off work. 2. Perhaps reliant on benefits. 10 of 10
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