Breast Cancer 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? Health & Social CareUnderstanding health conditions and patient care pathwaysASAQA Created by: georgiasadlerCreated on: 18-05-14 19:19 What is breast cancer? Cancer within the breast 1 of 5 What are the risk factors for developing it? Family history, smoking, if you have had a previous non-cancerous lump, not breast feeding children 2 of 5 What are the signs of breast cancer? Lump in breast or near armpit, dimpling of skin, rash on or around ******, ****** going inwards or changing shape/colour 3 of 5 How can it be treated? Mastectomy (surgically removing breast), chemotherpay, radiotherapy 4 of 5 What bad side effects does chemotherapy give? Hair loss, vomiting, nausea, weakened immune system so more likely to catch infections 5 of 5
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