London appoints Lieutent Governor. Legislative Assembly raise taxes and passes laws.
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How was Upper Canada Governed?
Mostly protestant. All land owned by crown. Church is used to maintain control. Small population of tax payers
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How was Lower Canada Governed?
Mainly Catholic. French vs British loyalists. 1791 - Legislative assembly prevents any revolts over taxation
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Reasons for revolt in Upper Canada
Legislative assembly uses taxes to pay for officials. Operation Township Scheme = Provided temporary shelter and supplies. Reformers object to scheme = encouraged immigration
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Reasons for revolt in Lower Canada
Papineau became more anti British. 1830s economy preforms bad. Boycotts of British good
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Revolt in Upper Canada
1837 Mackenzie leads revolt after L.cans 1000 men plan to attack property.
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Revolt in Lower Canada
papineau speaks against rebellion. 1837 patriot militia against British Cavalry. 500+ patriots in Montreal jails.
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Threat of Revolution?
Revolts put down with ease by the military. Brits worried about US involvement with Canada
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Lord Durham
Gave middle class the vote. Known as Radical Jack. Passed Great Reform Act . Independence for white colonies only
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Durhams Significance
Temporarily replaces executive council. Friend relations with the US. Leaves province stronger without chances of rebellion.
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Wakefield and Buller
Buller= Durhams official secretary. Idea to banish rebels to Bermuda. Publishes 'responsible government for colonies' advocating self government. Wakefield= Strong advocate for unity of the colonies. Scraps free land grants. His ideas not acted upon
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Significance of the Report
Unite upper and lower Canadians to make french-cans minority. Responsible for self government
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Mostly protestant. All land owned by crown. Church is used to maintain control. Small population of tax payers
How was Upper Canada Governed?
Card 3
Mainly Catholic. French vs British loyalists. 1791 - Legislative assembly prevents any revolts over taxation
Card 4
Legislative assembly uses taxes to pay for officials. Operation Township Scheme = Provided temporary shelter and supplies. Reformers object to scheme = encouraged immigration
Card 5
Papineau became more anti British. 1830s economy preforms bad. Boycotts of British good
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