What did Benjamin Disraeli famously comment about empire?
'These wretched colonies will all be independent in a few years and they are a mill-stone around our necks'
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What did William Gladstone famously comment about empire?
Promised 'to abstain from any territorial acquisitions and from contracting any new obligations'
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What years was Disraeli in office?
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What years was Gladstone foreign secretary?When did he lead the Liberal Party?
1845-46, formed liberal party 1868
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Define jingoism
Empire-related patriotism, encouraging aggressive foreign policy, celebrating Britain's imperial gains and boasting about Britain's power
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Disraeli called the Conservative party, a
'party of ------'
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What did Disraeli do to show his imperialist view?
Bought 44% shares in Suez Canal in 1875
Steered Royal Titles Act to give Queen Victoria 'Empress of India' title in 1877
Annexed Transvaal in 1877, launched war on Zulus to establish British control over South Africa
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How did Gladstone show his non imperialist view?
Declined sending to commit further troops and money to Majuba Hill in February 1881
Commented during Madhist Rebellion, that the Sudanese were 'rightly struggling to be free'
Left local Tswana rulers in power in Bechualand
Introduced Home Rule Bill for I
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Give some examples of how the media boosted imperialist views
Imperialist literature, e.g. H.Rider's Haggard's King Solomon Mines (1885) and She (1887) written
Boys Brigade (1883) set up, reminded young boys what it was like to be part of 'glorious' empire
Soldiers e.g. Major General Henry Havelock who recaptured
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Give some examples of how the media discouraged imperialist views
Press reported on massacres in Indian rebellion and Cawnpore
Daily Telegraph reported rebels 'killed all Christians they could find'
The Evening News reported that more Europeans had been murdered with 'further massacres imminent' 1882
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What did Dickens' book On the Origin of Species in 1859 outline?
Theories of natural selection suggested there were weaker races
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When was the Great Exhibition?
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When was the International Exhibition? Where was it held? How many exhibitors, from how many countries? How many exhibits from India alone?
Held in 1862 in South Kensington, featured over 28,000 exhibitors from 36 countries, 7,000 exhibits from India alone
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When was the Colonial and Indian Exhibition?Where? What did it showcase?
1886 at London Alexandra's Palace, showed animals and people from Nubian village in Sudan, showed 'practical demonstration of wealth' in empire
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What did William Gladstone famously comment about empire?
Promised 'to abstain from any territorial acquisitions and from contracting any new obligations'
Card 3
What years was Disraeli in office?
Card 4
What years was Gladstone foreign secretary?When did he lead the Liberal Party?
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