British empire section 2.1
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- Created by: olivia.alexx
- Created on: 11-08-23 18:37
Explain Britain's relationship with Ashantiland
British demanded that their King Prempeh hand over Asante as a protectorate, he refused, he was forcibly removed from his throne in 1896, Asante was formally annexed in 1900 and was incorporated in Gold Coast Colony in 1902
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Explain Britain's relationship with Nigeria
1890 agreement with French, who agreed to recognise Britain's domination of the area in return for British recognition of the French claim to Madagascar, British control established in North in 1900 and in South 1906
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Explain Britain's relationship with Zanzibar
Britain declared Zanzibar a protectorate in 1890 and installed puppet leader Sultan who mysteriously died in 1896, his cousin Khalid took the throne without British permission, Brits ordered him to stand down, leading to shortest war in history (38 mins).
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Explain Britain's relationship with Uganda
King Mwanga attempted to assert his authority in 1886, provoked civil war, he signed treaty with Lord Lugard in 1890 on behalf of Imperial British East Africa Company, ceding powers over revenue, trade and justice to the company
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Before this treaty, did Mwanga try to regain his territories?
Yes, one in 1897 and one in 1898, he was captured and exiled to Seychelles
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How many years, how many labourer and what did it cost to built Uganda railway?
5 years, 5 million, 2500 labourers
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How many miles of track did the railway cover?
660 miles
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List 3 examples of how Uganda railway treated labourers poorly
Tsavo incident, 35-100 workers killed by 2 lions
Kedong massacre, almost 500 labourers killed by Masai warriors
Workers subject to corporal punishment for 'insubordination'
Kedong massacre, almost 500 labourers killed by Masai warriors
Workers subject to corporal punishment for 'insubordination'
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How was the railway justified?
Facilitated exports of tea and coffee, promoted British tourism, enabled access to new markets, promoted source of river nile against enemies
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What was the railway known as?
Lunatic line
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Explain Britain's relationship with Kenya
Seen as useful territory as it offered route from coast to Uganda, opposition from Muslim which took Britain 9 months to crush, Kenya became part of Britain's East Africa Protectorate of 1895
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Explain Britain's relationship with Somaliland
Britain reinforced Somaliland as a protectorate in 1898, its location was crucial as it commanded Britain's crucial access to the Indian Ocean and its colonies in the East
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Explain Britain's relationship with Sudan
Egypt seen as vital to the security of Britain's sea route to India, so agreement signed with with Germans where they agreed Germany would take Tanganyika while Britain took Kenya and Uganda
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What did Kitchener do in relation to Sudan?
Battle of Omdurman in 1898, use of maxim guns against Sudanese, his army won a decisive victory
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In 1899, Sudan was declared as a 'veiled protectorate', what did this entail?
Sudan run by British, with Egyptian support, Lord Kitchener as Governer-General
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What did Kitchener set up?
'Gordon College' to train Sudanese for government
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Explain Britain's relationship with Rhodesia
First Nbedele War of 1893-94 resisted British rule, their 80,000 were easily defeated by British who had maxim gun (early form of machine gun, , invented in 1884)
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Who renamed Rhodesia?
Rhodes called it Southern Rhodesia after himself
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When was the second Nbedele war, what happened?
1895-6, Nbedele was a spiritual leader who tried to led unsuccessful rising against colonial rule, remembered as a 'revolutionary struggle'
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Explain Britain's relationship with Nyasaland
Britain faced portuguese-backed Arab attacks, not until 1891 was Britain able to establish control where Rhodes' British South Africa Company gained control. 1907 became a protectorate.
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Explain Britain's relationship with Cape Colony
The Uitlanders were seeking gold and being denied citizenship with Boers, provided Britain with an excuse to intervene. Boers living in Cape Colony formed an anti British 'Afrikaner Bond'
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What was Jameson Raid?
When Uitlanders pulled back from rising against Boer government, Rhodes instructed his Dr Jameson to invade Transvaal with only 500 police, easily defeated, Jameson and 12 companions sentenced to imprisonment by British court
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How many British troops and money sent to Second Anglo Boer War?
400,000 troops and £250 million
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Scorched earth policy was used by Britains in the second anglo boer war, what were these?
Burning any supplies that may be useful to the enemy, including food and shelter
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When was the second anglo boer war?
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How many boer troops died and how many people died in concentration camps?
6,000 troops died, 28,000 died in CC
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What did the Peace of Vereeniging 1902 outline?
The Boers declared themselves as British subjects and Boer republics became British colonies with a promise of responsible self government
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Explain Britain's relationship with Nigeria
1890 agreement with French, who agreed to recognise Britain's domination of the area in return for British recognition of the French claim to Madagascar, British control established in North in 1900 and in South 1906
Card 3
Explain Britain's relationship with Zanzibar
Card 4
Explain Britain's relationship with Uganda
Card 5
Before this treaty, did Mwanga try to regain his territories?
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