'British expansion in the years 1890-1914 was driven primarily by strategic motives'

Argument for
Explain Britain's 1890 agreement with France and Britain's interest in Uganda that show Britain expanded for strategic reasons.
1890 agreement- If France recognised Britain's occupation of Nigeria, then England would recognise France's occupation of Madascagar, this forms alliance. Also, Uganda was useful as it offered route from coast to Uganda and allowed Chamberlain to build Ug
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Argument against
Explain how the Second Anglo Boer War reveals how Britain actually expanded for moral reasons, not strategic.
115,000 (mostly black) women and children were put in concentration camps where diseases like cholera spread. British sent 400,000 troops and spent £250,000 fighting. They use scorched earth policy, burning crops, farms and houses. Suggests that social da
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Argument for
How does British expansion into Somaliland show they expanded for strategic motives?
Hint- How was Somaliland a crucial location, what did it grant access to that would help faciliate trade?
-It was key to controlling Suez Canal which was key as it shortened journey from Britain to India by approx 4500 miles
-It was a crucial location as it gave Britain access to Indian Ocean and other colonies in East
Thus, it was reinforced as a protectora
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Argument against
How was West Africa, particularly Nigeria, important for showing that Britain expanded for trade and economic reasons?
Nigeria was a significant producer of palm oil, was an effective lubricant for machines so it was a reliable supply for British industry. In West Africa, Britain imported timber, cocoa, rubber, pallm oil and peanuts and in a free market economy, there was
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What is another possible argument for why Britain expanded into Africa, which is not a strategic motive.
Personal influence, merchant imperialists such as Cecil Rhodes wanted to expand because it would boost his diamond business, he owned 90% of the world's diamond mines during 1890-1914.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Argument against
Explain how the Second Anglo Boer War reveals how Britain actually expanded for moral reasons, not strategic.


115,000 (mostly black) women and children were put in concentration camps where diseases like cholera spread. British sent 400,000 troops and spent £250,000 fighting. They use scorched earth policy, burning crops, farms and houses. Suggests that social da

Card 3


Argument for
How does British expansion into Somaliland show they expanded for strategic motives?
Hint- How was Somaliland a crucial location, what did it grant access to that would help faciliate trade?


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Card 4


Argument against
How was West Africa, particularly Nigeria, important for showing that Britain expanded for trade and economic reasons?


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Card 5


What is another possible argument for why Britain expanded into Africa, which is not a strategic motive.


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