Unemployment rose above 1 million, and in 1980 Britain lost as much as 25% of its manufacturing base, there was social unrest
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What was the reccomendations of the clegg committee? Did Thatcher accept them?
She accepted the reccomendations of the 25% pay rise for public secor workers
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What was the 1981 budget?
Geoffery Howe cut public expenditure and raised indirect taxes taking the suggested £4 billion out of the economy
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what was inflation like in 1981 and 1982?
1980= 21.9% 1982= 5%
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What was GDP growth like in 1981 and 1982?
1981= minus 0.7% 1982= 1.3%
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What did Thatcher do in the 80's?
abolition of credit controls, Nigel Lawson deregulated stock exchange and London became the centre of world finance
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what year was the bulding society act produced? what did it state?
1986- building societies could act as banks, banks could offer mortages
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How much money did Government raise from privatisation in 1988?
Government raised £7 billion in 1988
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What were the effects of privatisation?
600,000 fewer people employed by the state and 500,000 people per year were becoming house owners
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What did Thatcher do to Local government? and the GLC?
Local government had 28% on spending, Thatchr thought this was too much so said they had to bid for private sector contracts- GLC was abolished
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What changes did Thatcher make to the NHS?
She made an Internal Market where NHS trusts could bid for services, NHS was administered by 700 different authorities in 1990
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What were the effects of the sale of council houses?
1.24 million homes sold raising £18 billion
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When was the miners strike?
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Who was Ian McGregor?
He was appointed as chairman of the National Coal Board and had the brief to shut down unprofitable pits
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What was Thathers effects on the conservatives?
"wets" in ministerial positions were dismissed, one party conservatism forgotten, wealthy leaders influence declined, Her party tried to bring about her downfall in the 80's
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What happened in the 1997 election?
Conservatives defeated over the issue of the EU
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How many people thought the British Political system worked well in 1973 and 1991?
1973= 50% 1991=33%
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What was the change in society under Thatcher?
Number of divorce grew from 20% between 1981-93, Numbers of children born outside of marriage, numbers of drug taking and reported rapes all trebled between 1981-90
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How much Tax cuts were made under Thatcher?
there was £4 billion of Tax cuts, income tax cut from 27p to 25p, 4/5 of the highest tax rates cut, wealthy people saw their tax bills cut by a third, but nobody paid more thsn 40p in a pound
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What was the reccomendations of the clegg committee? Did Thatcher accept them?
She accepted the reccomendations of the 25% pay rise for public secor workers
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