Unequal wealth distribution, population growth, low wages and no minimum wage, no contraception/family planning, poor medical care, lack of political control, and women couldn't vote
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Why were there food shortages?
WW1 food hoarding and the U-boat campaign
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Why were there fuel shortages?
The need to buy and make weapons in WW1
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What was the life expectancy?
45 (163 in 1000 died)
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How did costs increase?
Cost of living increased by 12%, and working class wages increased by 1%
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Why were the Liberals interested in reform?
Fear of revolution, needed fit soldiers, USA and Germany had better education and healthier workers, needed votes of working class men and Booth and Rowntree's findings
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Who was Booth?
Capitalist who collected information about London's poverty while undercover & created the 'London Poverty Map'
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Who was Rowntree?
Published a book describing conditions of the poor, destroying stereotype of poor as idle and improving their rights and conditions
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What was Rowntree's book called?
'Poverty: A Study of Town Life' (1901)
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Who was Lloyd George?
Chancellor of the Exchequer who grew up in poverty and was a friend of Rowntree
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What sources supported Booth and Rowntree's findings?
The Salvation Army and the Government's civil service
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What solutions were there for the sick and old before Liberal reforms?
Charities, family and the workhouse
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What solutions were there for the old after reforms?
Old-age pensions (non-contributory) and poverty tackled by direct government funding
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What issues were there in the old age reforms?
Only British citizens who'd been living here for 20 year could receive a pension, people could be refused pensions, some still lived in workhouses and only ~1 million benefitted
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What were the negatives of the Pension Act?
Not for mentally insane, convicts or alcoholics and the life expectancy was so low not many reached age 70
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What were solutions for the sick after reforms?
Working class health insurance, up to 26 weeks of sick pay and free medical care for the insured
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What was the 1883 Disease Prevention Act?
Workhouse infirmaries to offer treatment to non-paupers as well as inmates
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What limitations did the reforms for the sick have?
Families of workers weren't entitled to free healthcare, and widows didn't receive pensions
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What solutions were there for the unemployed after reforms?
Labour exchanges to find work (put 3000 people into jobs per day), during unemployment a worker could receive pay if they'd payed in
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What were the limitations of reforms for the unemployed?
Unemployment pay wasn't enough
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What solutions were there for children after reforms?
1906 Act: free school meals, 1907: medical service at every local education authority, 1908: children become protected persons, homes for youth offenders & child crime courts
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When did children become protected persons?
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When were free school meals introduced?
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When did medical services at local education authorities become obligatory?
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What were the limitations of reforms for children?
They didn't force free school meals and medical care quality varied widely
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What were the statistics for workhouses by the 1900s?
20% admitted to workhouses were unemployed/destitute and 30% of over 70s were in workhouses
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