Broadoak Economy in the UK

What is quaternary industry?
Information technology and research and development.
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What is tertiary industry?
Services industry including retail, entertainment and personal services like hairdresser
2 of 14
Name 3 features of a science park...
1. On the outskirts of cities near good transport links like motorways and railway systems. 2. Close to housing for the workforce 3. Near universities so that research businesses can employ highly skilled workers and have access to university researc
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Why has there been a growth in the number of science parks?
There is now a growing demand for high tech products which science parks develop. The UK has a high number of excellent research universities like Oxford and Cambridge. Also, related businesses in one location can boost each other.
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Has de-industrialisation negetively impacted the North or South more?
The North
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Are wages higher in the North or the South?
The South
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Is life expectancy lower in the North or the South?
In the North as it is 72 in some places but down South it is 82 in some places.
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Are test results such as GCSEs better up North or down South?
Down South GCSEs are generally better than up North as they have better education.
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How can you reduce the North South divide?
You can reduce the North South divide by the government giving powers to local councils in England which means they can spend money on things that will benefit locals such as transport schemes and regeneration products.
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What is the 'Northern Powerhouse'?
The Northern Powerhouse is a railway with links from Manchester, Birmingham, Leeds and London. This is the government's way of attracting business and investment up North rather than down South.
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What is de-industrialisation?
The decline in secondary industries, and the growth of tertiary and quarternary employment.
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Why has there been a decline in secondary (manufacturing) industries in the UK?
They have moved to places like China where it is cheaper and there are more resources. Also, globalization means you can order products online meaning they do not need to be made in the UK.
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What is a science park?
A group of scientific and technical knowledge-based businesses, located on a single site. Most are associated with universities, in order to use research facilities and employ skilled graduates.
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What is a business park?
An area of land that contains a cluster of different businesses, often located on the edge of cities and towns. This is because land is cheaper there and more land is available.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is tertiary industry?


Services industry including retail, entertainment and personal services like hairdresser

Card 3


Name 3 features of a science park...


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Why has there been a growth in the number of science parks?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Has de-industrialisation negetively impacted the North or South more?


Preview of the front of card 5
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