BRS: Circadian Rhythms

Sleep-Wake Cycle AO1
Ex. cues/free running cycle
1 of 7
Sleep-Wake AO2
Temp. iso studies (siffre aschoff and wever).Czeiszler (art light22/28 dim)/\RS Quickening clock22hrs-24IRL./Ind.Diff16-35 - innate larks and owls.
2 of 7
Sleep-Wake - IDA
Validity (case study siffre/artificial)RWA-Chronotheraputics asprin 11-3
3 of 7
Core-Body Temp AO1
Body temp-highest at 6pm 28/lowest 430am 36//Post lunch dip-temp. ryhtn (not after eating)
4 of 7
Core-Body Temp AO2
Variation exp. 7pmIQ+afternoon recall//RSGiesbrecht-low temp - low cog//no link in feild//cause or correlation - temp=low cog or high tem0 -arousal - higher cog
5 of 7
Hormones AO1
Cortisol.lowest at mid/highest at 6/high levels alert//MLTN+GH both midnight-fatigue and restoration
6 of 7
Circ. IDA
Biological/deterministic - flexibilty/are rhms internally set or env. set//culture - photoperiods.
7 of 7

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Card 2


Temp. iso studies (siffre aschoff and wever).Czeiszler (art light22/28 dim)/\RS Quickening clock22hrs-24IRL./Ind.Diff16-35 - innate larks and owls.


Sleep-Wake AO2

Card 3


Validity (case study siffre/artificial)RWA-Chronotheraputics asprin 11-3


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Card 4


Body temp-highest at 6pm 28/lowest 430am 36//Post lunch dip-temp. ryhtn (not after eating)


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Card 5


Variation exp. 7pmIQ+afternoon recall//RSGiesbrecht-low temp - low cog//no link in feild//cause or correlation - temp=low cog or high tem0 -arousal - higher cog


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