BSL 0.0 / 5 ? OtherBSLAll LevelsOther Created by: abileigh93Created on: 20-04-20 20:22 How are you Chest to thumbs 1 of 46 I'm feeling good Chest to thumbs 2 of 46 I'm not feeling good little fingers down 3 of 46 Please chin fist 4 of 46 Thank you chin fist 5 of 46 Nice to meet you thumb across mouth, meet fingers, you 6 of 46 Good thumbs up 7 of 46 Bad little finger forward 8 of 46 Right thumb on palm 9 of 46 Wrong little finger on palm 10 of 46 well done thumbs circling 11 of 46 what is your name salute you what 12 of 46 how old are you cena you what 13 of 46 where do you live middle finger chest rub, you, where 14 of 46 what job do you have chop, you, what 15 of 46 question draw q with an o 16 of 46 ask stretch gum 17 of 46 what no 18 of 46 where arms shake 19 of 46 when cena side 20 of 46 why parrot on shoulder 21 of 46 how backwards knuckle tap 22 of 46 who who in the room 23 of 46 which little finger and thumb side to side 24 of 46 how many finger wiggle both hands outwards 25 of 46 how old cena 26 of 46 britain push down 27 of 46 england finger stroke 28 of 46 leeds loser 29 of 46 boss point up (hat) 30 of 46 builder bricks 31 of 46 bus driver steering wheel 32 of 46 doctor pulse 33 of 46 interpreter v's from mouth 34 of 46 nurse thumb cross on other arm 35 of 46 mechanic cogs 36 of 46 police officer feel cuff 37 of 46 priest collar 38 of 46 shop assistant push down, thumb on hand move forward 39 of 46 help you thumb on palm move forwards 40 of 46 help me thumb on palm move backwards 41 of 46 social worker thumb and finger both hands down chest 42 of 46 taxi driver crab, steering wheel 43 of 46 teacher fingers point at mouth and move outwards 44 of 46 teaching assistant teacher assistant 45 of 46 work x with hands 46 of 46
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