Bullet point 3- Control of the people
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- Created by: Ronanhollier
- Created on: 24-05-17 16:55
When was the Decree on the press established?
November 1917
1 of 86
What also happened in November 1917?
Nationalising of the Petrograd Telegraph Agency
2 of 86
What was the ROSTA responsible for?
Distributing news
3 of 86
Why did Lenin initially close down papers? By mid 1918 what wast this outlawed to?
The Tsar/ provisional government andsocialists
4 of 86
By 1921, how many newspapers and printing presses had the Communist close down?
2000 and 575
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Which newspaper of the CP gained high circulation?
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What year did pictures of Lenin start promoting the government?
7 of 86
What was the name of the person who tried to assassinate Lenin?
Fanny Kaplan
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What was Lenin known as?
The 'leader of the revolutionary proletariat'
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What happened to censorship under Stalin?
Tightened even further
10 of 86
From what year did Glavlit control access to economic data?
11 of 86
Between what years was Soviet TV broadly successful?
12 of 86
What was the purpose of Stalin's cult?
Stalin's cult emphasised Stalin's legitimacy to take over leadership of the party
13 of 86
What were the two names of Stalin's cult?
The Vozhd and Generalissimo
14 of 86
What was Khrushchev's personality cult?
He was a hero of the 2nd world war
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What were the 4 aspects of Brezhnev?
A Great Leninist, Military hero, True man of the people and Dedicated to ensuring world peace
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Wren was the Cheka established?Who was the leader?
December 1917 and Feliz Dzherinsky
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Between 17-21, what did the Cheka do?
Closed down opposition newspapers, imprisoned and executed socialist opponents of the new government and ran concentration camps
18 of 86
What happened also under the NEP?
NEPmen were imprisoned, priests were persecuted and young people who danced to Jazz
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When was Genrikh Yagoda appointed head of the NKVD?
July 1934
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Was Yagoda a success or a failure?
Proved to be a dissapointment
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What happened to the terror under Yezhnov?In what year was the NKVD purged and new agents were recruited?
He set targets for execution.1937
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What system did Yezhnov introduce?
Conveyor belt system
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What was the age of urban educated men were targeted? What percentage was men?
30-45 and 95%
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What were the consequences of the terror?
Stalin emerged stronger than ever, terror caused economic problems with the command economy, terror claimed the lives of Yagoda and Yezhnov
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How many of Yezhnov's closest associates were shot, and in what year?
200 of his associates and in 1940
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When were the Show Trials, who was involved?
Trial of the 16: in 1936 and execution of Zinonviev, Trial of the 17: 1937 and Trostsky, Trial of 21: 1938 execution of Bukharin
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What year was Yezhnov arrested?
April 1939
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In 1944, how many Chechens were deported by Beria?
29 of 86
When was the Leningrad Affair?
30 of 86
When was the Doctor's plot?
31 of 86
What year was Yuri Andorpov promoted head of the KGB?
32 of 86
In 1968, Brezhnev issued the KGB what order?
N0 0051
33 of 86
What measures did Brezhnev introduce between 67-70?
Agents weren't allowed to accept gifts, their relatives who broke the law (they) were sacked, promoted agents from across the SU based on success in dealing with dissidents
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What were the two ways of dealing with dissidents?
Emigration and Repressive psychiatry
35 of 86
Who were allowed to emigrate?
high profile dissidents
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When was psychiatry introduced as a measure?
April 1969
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From what month and year did the KGB adopt the policy of official warnings?
November 1972
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What did the KGB estimate that they stopped?
The formation of around 2000 subservient groups
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Who was Solzhenitsyn?
Most high profile dissident under Brezhnev. Wrote a book describing the horrors of Stalin's prison camps
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Who was Sakharov?
the 'father of the hydrogen bomb'
41 of 86
When was the Helinski agreement?
42 of 86
What were the causes of malaise under Brezhnev?
Alcoholism, poor-labour discipline and an increased black market trade
43 of 86
Who is Anatoly Lunarchasky?
The New people's commissionaire of Enlightenment
44 of 86
Between what years did Prolekult become a huge movement?
45 of 86
By 1920 how many members of the prolekult were working in how many sectors?
84,000 and 300 sectors
46 of 86
Who created the 'beat the whites with the red wedge' poster?
El Litsky
47 of 86
Who made agitational films that supported the regime?
Sergei Eisenstein
48 of 86
Who are Rodchenko and Mayatorsky?
Rodchenko was an constructionist artist. Mayatorksy is an lerof a fellow travel
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When was the union of soviet writers established?
50 of 86
Who is Ivan Kulik?
The President of the Union of Soviet Writers
51 of 86
What two qualities did socialist realism have?
Contained a true revolutionary of reality and aimed to participate in the buildings of socailism
52 of 86
What is an example of famous paintings?
Morning of our Motherland
53 of 86
Who is Sergey Merkorov?
He was famous for creating statues of Stalin and Lenin
54 of 86
What is Zhandovchina?
A repression of artists
55 of 86
What did the 'Cult of the Little man' focus on?
Ordinary people
56 of 86
What happened to K's art?
Went through a series of 'thaws' and 'freezes'
57 of 86
What was the thaw of 53-54?
NOvels was critical of various parts of Stalinism. 'New World' was published
58 of 86
Propaganda under K poked fun at who?
The Alcoholic and Lazy Bureaucrat
59 of 86
From late 1950s, what did writers produce?
60 of 86
Who did K dislike?
Boris Pastorak
61 of 86
Was Brezhnev interested in art?
Less interested in art than K, art became nostalgic
62 of 86
Under Brezhnev, what were the three types of artists?
Obedient functionaries, loyal opponists and dissidents
63 of 86
When as the trial of Daniel and Sinyavsky?
64 of 86
By 1970s, how many dissidents were receiving repressive psychiatry treatment?
65 of 86
What is the Nonna Gorinova's forest ritual?
Live performance where she danced naked in a forest
66 of 86
Who is Ilya Kabakov?
A writer who created a fictional autobiography called 10 characters to illustrate the dullness of everyday life
67 of 86
Why was Lenin critical of the Russian Orthodox Church?
He believed it to be an ally of the tsar
68 of 86
What two reasons were the government suspicious of organised religion?
Religion stood for values which were opposed to communist values and they were independent of the communist government
69 of 86
When was the decree of land? When was the decree separating the Church and State?
October 1917. Jan 1918
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What year was Archpriest Ivan Kochurov murdered in Petrograd?
November 1917
71 of 86
What year did the Soviet constitution guarantee freedom of conscience for all soviet people?
72 of 86
What is the living Church?
A reformed version of the old orthodox church
73 of 86
What year was public debate with the church stopped?
74 of 86
What are 'crimes based on custom'?
Islam was believed to encourage these
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What did the NKVD originally do?
Attack groups set up to defend Islam
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When did Stalin make a pragmatic alliance with the Church?
During WW2
77 of 86
How many Churches were re-opened under Stalin?
78 of 86
What year did anti-religious campaigns start?
79 of 86
What year were Roman Catholic monasteries closed?
80 of 86
What year were campaigns enforced for men to educate their children?
81 of 86
How many orthodox buildings were closed between 58-64?
82 of 86
What did Yuri Garagrin say?
He travelled to heaven and found no God
83 of 86
What did Valentine Tereshovoka say?
Argue that she found atheism. 'The mysterious heaven that used to mystify my imagination'
84 of 86
What did Brezhnev do?
End Ks campaign against religion, Churches were re-opened
85 of 86
When was the Institute for Scientific Atheism set up?
86 of 86
Other cards in this set
Card 2
What also happened in November 1917?
Nationalising of the Petrograd Telegraph Agency
Card 3
What was the ROSTA responsible for?

Card 4
Why did Lenin initially close down papers? By mid 1918 what wast this outlawed to?

Card 5
By 1921, how many newspapers and printing presses had the Communist close down?

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