Business 0.0 / 5 ? Business StudiesEconomic growthASAQA Created by: AnnabelHCreated on: 13-01-16 11:14 Total costs Fixed costs + variable costs 1 of 12 Profit Total revenue - total costs 2 of 12 Variable costs Variable costs per unit X Number of units sold 3 of 12 Total revenue Selling price per unit X Number of units sold 4 of 12 Market capitalisation Number of issued shares X Current share price 5 of 12 Margin of safety Actual level of output - breakeven level of output 6 of 12 Gross profit margin Gross profit / sales revenue x 100 7 of 12 Total contribution contribution per unit x units sold or produced 8 of 12 Contribution per unit selling price - variable costs per unit 9 of 12 Gross profit Sales revenue - cost of sales 10 of 12 Breakeven output Fixed costs / contribution per unit x 100 11 of 12 Operating profit Sales revenue - costs of sales - operating profits 12 of 12
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