Business and people 0.0 / 5 ? Business StudiesPeople in businessGCSEOCR Created by: Libby2828Created on: 24-03-18 17:10 Primary sector Jobs involving raw materials ( farming, mining) 1 of 19 Secondary sector Jobs that make products from raw materials (factories, Builders) 2 of 19 Tertiary sector Selling products or services (restaurants, retail) 3 of 19 Public sector Jobs in the public services (teaching, police, nhs) ran by government 4 of 19 Dividend How much a shareholder gets 5 of 19 Market share How much percentage of a certain market a business owns 6 of 19 Private sector Jobs ran by individual and companies rather than the government 7 of 19 Stakeholders Someone who has something to do with a company ( this could be the owner, the employees, the customers, the shareholders) 8 of 19 Horizontal growth When a business buys a similar company 9 of 19 Backward vertical growth Buying up the supply chain (buying suppliers to reduce costs) 10 of 19 Forwards vertical growth Buying down the supply chain 11 of 19 Diversification / Conglomerate When a business buys a company outside of their industry 12 of 19 Insolvency Unable to pay back debts 13 of 19 Economies of structure Buying in bulk 14 of 19 Capital Money 15 of 19 Mulitinational company A corporate organisation that owns Or controls production in at least one other country than their home country 16 of 19 Franchisor A franchise isn’t a company who is allowed to sell another’s companies products. The franchisor is the one who makes the purchase. 17 of 19 Gross pay Your salary 18 of 19 Net pay Your salary before all reductions 19 of 19
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