business ethics

  • Created by: Toby
  • Created on: 16-06-23 17:57
what is business ethics?
It is about whether businesses should be required to follow ethical principles in their dealings, or whether ethics even has or should have any relevance to business at all
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what is corporate social responsibility?
the idea that a business has responsibility to the environment and its community
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what is globalisation?
the issue that businesses are now global entities, giving them tremendous power
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what is whistleblowing?
the ethics around going public to reveal secret unethical business practices
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what is environmental csr?
The responsibility a business has towards the environment

reducing pollution and using recyclable parts

increasing the reliance of green energy and reusable products
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what is community csr?
The responsibility a business has to its social community

Respecting human rights and avoiding exploitation

avoid being supplied by businesses that use slave labour or exploitation
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what does utilitarianism say about csr?
Bentham and Mill think that the free market is generally the best way to maximise happiness

They would likely accept environmental CSR because of how damaging climate change can be to happiness
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what is free market capitalism?
the idea that the only responsibility of a business is to maximise profit for its shareholders
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what does Kantian ethics say about csr?
require that market interactions do not involve the treatment of people as mere means

Labour should not be treated merely as a commodity, so paying a good wage and providing health and safety training
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what are the problems of globalisation?
can cause the violation of corporate social responsibilities and even undermine the free market itself

globalisation certainly allows them to violate CSR in developing countries instead
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what does utilitarianism say about globalisation?
Utilitarianism would be against the aspects of globalisation which undermine free markets, such as the power it has given business over policy making
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what does Kantian ethics say about globalisation?
Globalisation seems problematic for Kant in that it can cause all of the corporate social responsibilities to be violated
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what is a case study for facebook?
Frances Haugen leaked internal documents which came to be known as ‘The Facebook Files’

revealed that Facebook knowingly promoted algorithms that promoted hate and endangered teenager girls
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what does utilitarianism say about globalisation?
Act utilitarianism holds that whistleblowing is morally right depending on the situation

If whistleblowing causes more happiness than not whistleblowing, then it is morally good; if it causes less happiness then it is morally wrong.
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what does Kantian ethics say about globalisation?
Kant thinks lying cannot be universalised and is therefore always wrong. So, he would certainly also be against lying to cover up negative business practises

It is your duty never to lie
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what did Adam smith say?
it is a businesses responsibility to make as much profit as possible
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what does utilitarianism say about capitalism?
Bentham thought the government should guarantee employment and impose a minimum wage

in general happiness is maximised by leaving markets free
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what does Kantian ethics say about capitalism?
The Kantian view then is that CSR is our duty and globalisation which undermines CSR is wrong
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


what is corporate social responsibility?


the idea that a business has responsibility to the environment and its community

Card 3


what is globalisation?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what is whistleblowing?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what is environmental csr?


Preview of the front of card 5
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