What did Karl Marx say about the relationship between employers and employees?
Employees need to follow employers' terms, or not work
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How would Kant respond to business ethics?
Duty > profit (shopkeeper), shouldn't treat workers as means to end. Kingdom of ends - consider all stakeholders. Against espionage - couldn't e universalised
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Evaluate the Kantian response to business ethics.
Impractical, duties clash (e.g profit/employee welfare), can be manipulated, no conseq.
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How would utilitarianism respond to business ethics?
Principle of utility - majority considered - not enough to just please shareholders.
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Evaluate the utilitarian response to business ethics.
Could justify bad things (e.g slavery, espionage). Protection for majority, not minority (employee),
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How would natural law respond to business ethics?
Businesses need to be regulated to keep order; against child labour (stops from reaching potential), wouldn't support businesses selling things "against God" e.g ****, gambling
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Evaluate the natural law response to business ethics.
Cultural relativism challenges precepts, not helpful in specific situations, purpose of business = bettering society.
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How would virtue ethics respond to issues involving business?
Our well-being dep. on wellbeing of polis (comm.). Virtuous role models.
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What were the two types of business that Aristotle described?
Oikonomikos/household trading - trading items, helps society function, not everyone has everything. Chrematiske - trading for profit, not exch. money for something useful.
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Evaluate the virtue ethics response to business ethics.
Business society, values flourish at expense of competition,
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How would religious ethics respond to business?
Protestant - wealth should be gained to support family. Catholic - common goo.
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How would situation ethics respond to business?
Agape only rule - rejection of other absolutes. Treating stakeholders fairly.
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Evaluate the religious ethics response to business ethics.
Is religion relevant? Christian ethics divided over keeping or distributing wealth. What if someone works contrary to God's will?
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Briefly explain the Primark child labour case study.
Primark exposed for using chid ld labour - stopped ordering from these companies, putting workers in financial danger. Ethical policy changed 2 years later
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Making money
What does Friedman argue is the purpose of business?
Card 3
"There is no such thing as business ethics"
Card 4
A business' duty to community/society/etc
Card 5
Can choose to stop patronising unethical businesses
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