A business that provides goods or services to customers and they operate within the private or public sector.
1 of 13
Name some of the main characteristics of a business organisation
Concerned with work, involves two or more people, it competes against other people, harnesses certain skills, operates within business law, has it's own identity
2 of 13
Name the common factors shared by most business organisations
Organisations: have purposes, employ resuorces, have a formal structure, have to be directed and cotrolled, are accountable, have to meet legal requirments
3 of 13
Define Entrepreneur
Someone who identifies a gap in the market and spots a unique opportuinty and turns ths into a business enterprise
4 of 13
Name the main business objectives
Profit, growth, survival, cash flow, social & etical objectives
5 of 13
What is an objective?
Detailed goals of a business
6 of 13
What is a mission?
The overall statement which outlines the purpose of the buisness
7 of 13
What are the different components of profit calculations?
Revenue, fixed costs, variable costs, total costs.
8 of 13
What is a sole trader?
An individual operating a business independently
9 of 13
What is a partnership?
A combination of two or more sole traders that are not always equal
10 of 13
What is a private sector?
Businesses that are not publically owned or controlled
11 of 13
What is a public sector?
Businesses that are publically owned and controlled
12 of 13
What are the factors of production?
The land, labour, capital and enterprise (inputs) required to produce good and services (output)
13 of 13
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Name some of the main characteristics of a business organisation
Concerned with work, involves two or more people, it competes against other people, harnesses certain skills, operates within business law, has it's own identity
Card 3
Name the common factors shared by most business organisations
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