business organisations 0.0 / 5 ? LawBusiness LawCommercial LawCompany LawUniversityAll boards Created by: azdwCreated on: 23-01-17 09:46 A sole trader is not accountable for- fiduciary duties to others 1 of 9 a sole trader may have restrictions on name under- s1195-1198 CA 2006 2 of 9 how does a sole trader partake in dissolution of their business voluntarily or compulsorily by court and inform HMRC 3 of 9 The definition of partnership is found - S1 PA 1890 4 of 9 as of what year, is there no maximum number of people in a partnership 2002 5 of 9 before there was no limit of partners in partnership, what was the limit? 20 6 of 9 partners are- jointly liable 7 of 9 what does s9 and s10 of the PA 1890 say partners are liable for eachother's contractual or negligent breaches 8 of 9 is it possible to exclude the PA 1890 from a partnership contract? yes 9 of 9
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