Business Revision Crossword 0.0 / 5 ? Business StudiesBusiness environmentGCSEEdexcel Created by: M GwinnellCreated on: 03-10-17 10:38 This business supplies retailers Wholesaler 1 of 15 What kind of research does observations and experiments come under Primary 2 of 15 What helps bring Business in Marketing 3 of 15 Data that collates judgements and attitudes is called Qualitative 4 of 15 data that is collated as numbers or statistics Quantitative 5 of 15 Research where data already exists is called Secondary 6 of 15 A type of Supplier that provides to Wholesalers Manufacturer 7 of 15 What do Business look for Repeat Purchase 8 of 15 What is the term to help analyse the Market for your product or service Marketing Mix 9 of 15 When Customers see a product different to others Branding 10 of 15 Away to compete High Quality 11 of 15 When a product first hit the Martket Launch 12 of 15 A means to position your product in the market or identify Customer Needs Market Mapping 13 of 15 a means to compare with competitors differentiate 14 of 15 a tool to help develop your brand and meet Customers needs Segmentation 15 of 15
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