Business studies chapter 8 and 9

  • Created by: Anusha5
  • Created on: 24-02-16 07:40
Internal recruitment
Filling a vacant post with someone already employed in the business.
1 of 25
External recruitment
Filling a vacant post with someone not already employed in the business.
2 of 25
Job description
A list of all the key points of a job such as responsibilities, activities, and accountability.
3 of 25
Person specification
The factors looked for in a successful applicant. Experience, personal qualities, and skills.
4 of 25
A list of all candidates eligible for a company interview.
5 of 25
Induction training
A method of training that requires one to get familiar with the workplace, colleagues and rules of a job.
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On the job training
A method of training at the place of work in which a newly recruit follows a more experienced worker.
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Off the job training
Training that takes place away from the workplace.
8 of 25
Termination of employment by the worker as they have found a better job elsewhere or for any personal reasons.
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Termination of employment as the worker has reached an age beyond which they do not need to work.
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Termination of employment by the employer as the job is no longer needed.
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Termination of employment by the employer as the worker has not been working to the required standard or has violated company code.
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Communication media
The methods used to communicate a message.
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The reciever's response to a message.
14 of 25
Effective communication
Information passed between two or more people or grouse, with feedback to confirm that the message has been understood.
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Two-way communication
The receiver is allowed to respond to the message sent by the sender.
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Oral communication
Communication by the spoken word.
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Written communication
A communication form which has a permanent record of a message being sent and can be looked at multiple times for understanding.
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Formal, written communication which is used for passing messages within the business.
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The order for conduct in a meeting.
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Minutes of meeting
A written document explaining in detail all that was discussed in the meeting and all the decisions that were taken.
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Purchase order
An official document sent to suppliers explaining all the raw materials which are to be purchased.
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A reminder to customers to pay for their purchase.
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Electronic communication
Communication via email, text, video record or fax.
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Visual communication
Communication using charts and graphs to improve the effectiveness of the message and to make it more clearly understood.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Filling a vacant post with someone not already employed in the business.


External recruitment

Card 3


A list of all the key points of a job such as responsibilities, activities, and accountability.


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


The factors looked for in a successful applicant. Experience, personal qualities, and skills.


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


A list of all candidates eligible for a company interview.


Preview of the back of card 5
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