those who provide data for a survey usually by answering questions in a questionnnaire or interview
1 of 17
a named product which customers sse as being diffferent from other products and which they can associate or identify with
2 of 17
the idea/impression/image that customers have in their minds about a brand
Brand image
3 of 17
part of a market that contains a group of buyers with similar buying habits,such as age or income
market segment
4 of 17
a technique of creative thinking where participants are encouraged to think of a many ideas as possible about a issue or a problem
blue skies thinking
5 of 17
thinking differently to try and find new and unexpected ideas
lateral thinking
6 of 17
The intentional creation of new ideas through recognised and accepted techniques
Deliberate Creativity
7 of 17
coming up with new and unique ideas
creative thinking
8 of 17
right of ownership of an invention or process when it is registered with the government
9 of 17
legal ownership of material such as books,music and films which prevents these being copied by others
10 of 17
the symbol,sign. or other features of a product or business that can be protected from law
11 of 17
specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time conatrained
12 of 17
the number of items or products or services sold by a business over a period of time
sales volume
13 of 17
where a supplier gives a customer a period of time to pay a bill for goods or services once they have been delivered
trade credit
14 of 17
when a business can no longer pay its debts
15 of 17
borrowing money from a bank by drawing more money than is actually in a current account. interest is charged on the amount overdrawn
overdraft facility
16 of 17
assets owned by a business which are used to guarantee repayments of a loan; if the business fails to pay off the loan, the lender can sell what has been offered.
17 of 17
Other cards in this set
Card 2
a named product which customers sse as being diffferent from other products and which they can associate or identify with
Card 3
the idea/impression/image that customers have in their minds about a brand
Card 4
part of a market that contains a group of buyers with similar buying habits,such as age or income
Card 5
a technique of creative thinking where participants are encouraged to think of a many ideas as possible about a issue or a problem
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