Business Studies Revision 0.0 / 5 ? BusinessTheme 1ASEdexcel Created by: MaxBeevorCreated on: 08-05-18 10:43 Define centralisation Centralisation is when the major decisions in an organisation are made at the core then passed down the chain of command 1 of 10 Define commission percentage payment on a sale made to the salesperson 2 of 10 Define consumer durables Goods used repeatedly over a period of time e.g cars 3 of 10 Define decentralisation An organisation where decision making is pushed down the chain of command and away from the centre of the organisation 4 of 10 Define direct selling producers selling their products directly to consumers 5 of 10 Define ethical sourcing Using a supplier that respects the environment, treats their workforce well and generally trades with integrity 6 of 10 Define extension strategies Methods used to prolong the life of a product 7 of 10 Define penetration pricing A business which introduces a new product and charge a low price for a limited period 8 of 10 Define predatory pricing Aims to eliminate competitors from the market 9 of 10 Define a distribution channel The route taken by a product from the producer to the customer 10 of 10
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