BUSINESS THEME 1 0.0 / 5 ? Business StudiesTheme 1ASNone Created by: sophlou98Created on: 12-05-17 10:17 What did Maslows motivational theory consist of? A hierarchy of needs whereby people are motivated to reach the highest level. 1 of 10 What did Herzbergs's motivational theory consist of? Two way factor, hygiene and motivators. 2 of 10 What did Taylor's motivational theory consist of? Employees are mainly motivated by money and that workers will need close supervision. 3 of 10 What is an autocratic leadership style? Managers who make all important decisions and closely supervise and control workers. This approach follows one way communication. 4 of 10 What is a paternalistic leadership style? Managers who give more attention to the social needs and views of their workers. Managers have a genuine interest in the feelings of their employees. 5 of 10 What is a democratic leadership style? This style puts trust in employees and encourages them to make decisions. Delegation of authority. 6 of 10 What are question marks in the boston matrix? Low market share and high market growth. Opportunities nobody knows what to do with. 7 of 10 What are stars in the boston matrix? High market share and high market growth. They are well established and good opportunities. 8 of 10 What are dogs in the boston matrix? Low market share and low growth. Market presence is weak, and difficult to make a profit. 9 of 10 What are cash cows in the boston matrix? High market share and low market growth. Established however the market isnt growing and opportunities are limited. 10 of 10
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