Business Motivation / Legislation 2.0 / 5 based on 2 ratings ? Business StudiesA2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: Amelia JensenCreated on: 24-04-13 13:28 Equal Pay Act Men and women doing equal work of equal value must receive the same pay 1 of 7 Age Discrimination Act It is illegal for an employer to discriminate on the grounds of age in recruitment, promotion, dismissal and trainging 2 of 7 Race Relations Act People must not be discriminated against on the grounds of colour, race, nationality or ethnic origin 3 of 7 Disability Discrimination Act Firms must not treat workers with disabilities less favourably than other workers in recruitment or during the course of employment 4 of 7 Sex Discrimination Act Employers must not discriminate on the grounds of gender in recruitment, promotion, training and terms and conditions of employment 5 of 7 Health and Safety at Work Act Employees must provide safe premises, machinery and working conditions 6 of 7 Give 3 non-financial motivational techniques Empowerment, Praise, Promotion, Job enrichment, Job enlargement, 7 of 7
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