Business 3.5 / 5 based on 3 ratings ? BusinessASAQA Created by: MorganCreated on: 23-12-12 08:27 The ability to handle uncertainty and deal effectively with change. Enterprise 1 of 6 Someone who starts and runs a business and has the responsibility for the risks involved. Entrepreneur 2 of 6 The cost of an activity expressed in terms of the next best alternative, which has been given up when making a choice. Oppurtunity Cost 3 of 6 When an entrepreneur identifies the oppurtunity to offer a product or service that does not already exsist. Gap in the market 4 of 6 A small segment of a market, which has a particulary suitable target audience, for a specific product. Market Niche 5 of 6 the protection given to music, books, plays, films and music. Copyright 6 of 6
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