Business and Economics Unit 5 revision (edexcel)
Based on the purple covered revision guide
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- Created by: johnpithers
- Created on: 11-04-14 17:02
What is an externality?
An effect on a third party
1 of 118
Examples of positive externalities
Job creation, site development, training/education, research/development and new technology
2 of 118
Examples of negative externalities
Traffic congestion,pollution (water, noise, air),overcrowding, use of resources
3 of 118
What are stakeholders/stakeholder groups?
Individuals or groups with an interest in the performance of a business
4 of 118
What is stakeholder conflict?
Conflict that occurs between different stakeholder groups when their interests collide
5 of 118
What is profit (4)?
Measure of success, reward for owners, reward for risk/enterprise, total revenue-total costs
6 of 118
What is market share?
The quantity sold by a business as a percentage of the whole market's sales
7 of 118
What 6 things might a CSR report look at?
How well workers are treated, levels of emissions and waste, use of recycled materials, use of energy saving devices, work related accident rate and a firms ethical stance
8 of 118
What does CSR stand for?
Corporate social responsibility
9 of 118
What is competitiveness?
The strength of a firms position in the market, measured by market share and profitability. It reflects whether consumers are prepared to use the business over its rivals
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What is competitive advantage?
An advantage that firms have over competitors, they help to win customers. Must be difficult to copy and unique
11 of 118
Pricing errors in the marketing mix
Too low or too high
12 of 118
Product errors in the marketing mix
Poor quality or doesn't meet customer needs
13 of 118
Promotion errors in the marketing mix
Wrong media or wrong target audience
14 of 118
Place errors in the marketing mix
Poor delivery record or not available online
15 of 118
What are the 4 causes of poor productivity?
Inadequately trained or de-motivated workers, bad management, out of date machinery and a lack of flexibility
16 of 118
What are the 5 causes of cash flow problems?
Unexpected fall in demand, allowing too much trade credit, seasonal demand, poor cash management and unexpected expenditure/bad debts
17 of 118
What are the 4 things that can decrease product demand?
A fall in income, a change in tastes or fashion, lack of advertising and increased competition
18 of 118
What are the 4 things that prompt changes in demand?
The level of economic activity (eg recession), interest rates, consumer confidence and foreign demand (weaker pound stronger foreign demand)
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What are the 4 effects of inflation?
Cost of living increase/standard of living decrease, a fall in business profits, increased uncertainty. a fall in confidence
20 of 118
How does rising demand cause inflation?
Demand rising faster than supply (costs can go up); can be caused by lower interest rates, rising wages or improved consumer confidence
21 of 118
How do rising costs cause inflation?
Business expenses increase then prices are raised to protect profit
22 of 118
What is unemployment?
Unemployment exits when people who want to find work cannot do so
23 of 118
Effects of unemployment to individuals
Lower incomes, falling living standards, loss of self-esteem, stress/depression, family tensions, difficulties (eg divorce), loss of skills and health problems
24 of 118
Effects of unemployment to society
Less tax revenue/spending, need to cut prices, higher benefits, lower output, increased crime, less social interaction, falling behavior standards and less enterprise
25 of 118
What is an external shock?
An event which is beyond government control which usually damages the economy
26 of 118
5 examples of external shocks
Exchange rate fluctuation, commodity price increase (eg oil), world politics (eg war), global recession and international disasters
27 of 118
What is an internal shock?
An unexpected change in demand caused by events within a country
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4 examples of internal shocks
National banking crisis, freak weather conditions (local), national strike and a property price increase
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What 3 things cause the exchange rate to change?
The demand for imports, the demand for exports and interest rates
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What's the effect of a stronger pound on a UK exporter?
Exports dearer, demand for exports falls, revenue/profit falls
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What's the effect of a stronger pound on a UK importer?
Imports cheaper, costs fall, profits rise
32 of 118
What's the effect of a weaker pound on a UK exporter?
Exports cheaper, demand for exports rises, revenue/profits rise
33 of 118
What's the effect of a weaker pound on a UK importer?
Imports dearer, costs rise, profit falls
34 of 118
What 2 'tools' does the government use to influence the level of economic activity?
Monetary policy and fiscal policy
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What is monetary policy?
Using changes in interest rates to influence economic activity
36 of 118
What is fiscal policy?
Using taxation and government spending to achieve government objectives
37 of 118
What is the interest rate(5)?
The price paid for borrowing money, the reward for savers, affects purchasing of consumer durables and housing, affects business purchases of equipment/tools/machinery and is set by the bank of england
38 of 118
What are 4 effects of high interest rates?
Mortgage payments increase, fewer loans for consumer goods, people save more instead of spending, firms cut investment funded by borrowing
39 of 118
What 3 things is taxation used to achieve?
Raise revenue to fund government spending, regulate economic demand and change behaviour
40 of 118
What 3 things is government spending used to achieve?
Provide essential public services, regulate economic demand and resolve social issues (eg child poverty)
41 of 118
How does monetary policy help to reduce inflation?
High interest rates reduce demand for loans as there is more money to pay back. With fewer loans, economic demand falls leading to less pressure on prices
42 of 118
How does fiscal policy help to reduce inflation?
To relieve pressure on prices the government could reduce demand by cutting its own spending or raising taxes. Higher income taxes will reduce consumer demand
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How does increasing demand reduce unemployment?
Businesses need to produce more to meet the increased demand, to produce more they will need more workers
44 of 118
Name 3 ways the government can increase demand?
Lowering interest rates, lowering taxes and increasing government spending
45 of 118
5 examples of government fiscal policy?
Benefits given to poor families to reduce child poverty, payments to pensioners in winter to reduce heating costs, taxes on cigarettes to discourage smoking, taxes on drivers in London to avoid congestion, taxes on alcohol to reduce binge drinking
46 of 118
How effective are taxes at changing habits?
Taxes designed to change habits may or may not work. Congestion still exists in London however the number of smokers has fallen in recent years
47 of 118
Define internal growth?
A business sells more output over a period of time
48 of 118
What 3 things does business growth do?
Help increase market share, lead to lower costs and result in more profit
49 of 118
3 methods of internal growth?
Changing the marketing mix, innovation and R&D
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What are the 2 types of external growth?
Merger and takeover
51 of 118
What's a merger?
2 or more firms agree to join up, voluntary with unchanging identities
52 of 118
What's a takeover?
1 business buys another, necessary to take control by buying shares
53 of 118
4 methods of external growth?
conglomerate, horizontal, forward vertical and backward vertical
54 of 118
What's a conglomerate merger?
Firms with no common business interest join
55 of 118
What's a forward vertical merger?
Firm joins with one at a later stage (eg a customer)
56 of 118
What's a backward vertical merger?
Firm joins with one at a previous stage (eg a supplier)
57 of 118
What's a horizontal merger?
Firms at the same stage join
58 of 118
What are the 5 reasons for growth?
Survival, higher returns, lower costs, market power and spread risk
59 of 118
3 drawbacks to growth?
Inflexibility (can't adapt to change), higher costs and loss of focus
60 of 118
2 causes of diseconomies of scale?
Poor co-ordination (difficult to manage) and poor communication (global)
61 of 118
What's a monopolist?
A firm that supplies a large part of the market
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What's monopoly power?
Having some control or influence over the market
63 of 118
What's a pure monopoly?
A monopolist can control 100% of the market
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What's a natural monopoly?
Costs are lower with a large business
65 of 118
4 good reasons for monopolies?
Value for money (economies of scale), new product development (more resources), natural monopolies and higher shareholder returns
66 of 118
4 bad reasons for monopolies?
Higher prices (insensitivity), restricted choice, restricted entry and excessive profits
67 of 118
What 5 things to competition authorities ensure?
Competition is fair in markets, businesses act in public interest, firms avoid anti-competitive behaviour, prices are not too high and the quality of goods are up to standard
68 of 118
What are the 4 competition authorities?
Competition commission, office of fair trading, specialist regulators (eg ofwat) and EU competition commission
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What's self regulation?
An industry monitors its own actions to ensure they're in the public interest
70 of 118
What's a pressure group?
A group that aims to influence the decisions of businesses, governments and individuals
71 of 118
What 4 tactics would a pressure group use?
boycotts, protests, marching and advertising
72 of 118
what 2 things does the success of a pressure group depend on?
Public support and funds
73 of 118
What's economic growth?
The amount of goods and services produced increases
74 of 118
What's uses to record growth?
The percentage change in GDP
75 of 118
4 things the government can do to help growth?
Encourage investment in physical capital by lowering interest rates/tax/offering grants, improve infrastructure, invest in education to improve human capital and encourage more consumption by lowering interest rates/taxes
76 of 118
What causes growth?
Human capital (training), physical capital (machines) leading to better use of resources leading to higher output
77 of 118
What's the standard of living?
The amount of goods and services a person can buy with their income within a year
78 of 118
What's the main method of measuring standard of living?
GDP per capita (person)
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Why is GDP per capital not always good for measuring the standard of living?
Small population can give an inaccurate picture, GDP is average and assumes equal earnings and GDP may be understated because not all output may be counted
80 of 118
What are 3 other ways of measuring standard of living?
Infant mortality rates, life expectancy rates and literacy rates
81 of 118
What's quality of life?
An Individuals overall well being
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3 drawbacks of economic growth?
Negative externalities, stress/health problems and rise in prices
83 of 118
Define sustainable growth?
Increase in GDP with no negative externalities which involves use of renewable resources
84 of 118
2 benefits of use of renewable resources to businesses?
Lower costs and improved image
85 of 118
2 benefits of use of renewable resources to the wider economy?
Less pollution and safeguards resources for future generations
86 of 118
Drawback of use of renewable energy resources to businesses?
High set up costs
87 of 118
2 drawbacks of use of renewable resources to the wider economy?
Higher costs and other environmental issues (ugly wind farms)
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4 things a business might do to behave more responsibly?
Meet the needs of many stakeholder groups, use ethical codes of practice (refusing to deal with a firm that sells guns), CSR audits (assessing impact) and use renewable resources
89 of 118
What are 4 reasons why a business may behave responsibly?
Avoid breaking the law, respond to media/public pressure, attract ethical investors and improve image to raise sales
90 of 118
What does air legislation control?
emissions, dark smoke and other airborne pollutants
91 of 118
What does water legislation do?
Control water quality and conserve water resources
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What does waste legislation control?
The disposal, generation and transportation of waste
93 of 118
What's regulation?
A 'softer' approach to controlling businesses by setting rules, guidelines and codes (eg to reduce pollution)
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What are 2 effects of government measures on businesses?
Higher prices (because of higher costs) and differentiated products (eg environmentally friendly)
95 of 118
What's absolute poverty?
When people are unable to afford the basics of life (eg food, clothes, shelter)
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What's relative poverty?
When people cannot afford the 'normal' goods and services within a country
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What's the poverty line?
An extent to which people in a country live in poverty
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What are the 7 signs of poverty?
Very low GDP per capita, a lack of the basics of life, poor health, poor infrastructure, high population growth, low literacy levels and low life expectancy
99 of 118
What are 3 ways that poverty can be reduced?
Child benefits, working tax credits and free healthcare/education
100 of 118
What's international trade?
The exchange of goods and services between countries
101 of 118
What are the 7 benefits of international trade?
More consumer choice, LEDC's are provided with income, resource rich countries can sell products, nations can take advantage of cheap production, nations can obtain un-producable goods, LEDC's can specialize in goods and living standards are higher
102 of 118
What are 4 costs of trading with LEDCs?
Increased competition which drives down prices, higher unemployment, lower tax receipts for government and the loss of important industries in the long term
103 of 118
How has the single european market helped raise the standard of living for members?
Providing more choice/faster growth, exploiting economies of scale and encouraging foreign investment/co-operation
104 of 118
What's the restriction of trade called?
105 of 118
What are 4 ways to restrict trade?
Tariffs, quotas, non-tariff barriers and subsidies
106 of 118
What are tariffs?
Taxes on imports
107 of 118
What are non-tariff barriers?
Imposing quality or safety standards
108 of 118
What are subsidies?
Money given to help domestic producers
109 of 118
What are quotas?
Physical limits on imports
110 of 118
What are 4 reasons for restricting trade?
Protect jobs in domestic industries, protect infant industries, prevent entry of poor quality goods and raising revenue from beneifts
111 of 118
What's an MNC?
A multinational corporation is a large company with operating facilities and markets around the world
112 of 118
5 benefits of multinational corporations to LEDCs?
Tax revenues for the government, employment opportunities, increase in GDP per capita, increase in exports and development of infrastructure
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5 drawbacks of multinational corporations to LEDCs?
MNC's may pay low wages, may encourage over-specialisation, profit may not stay in the LEDC, environmental damage and tax revenues may be minimal
114 of 118
What's the 'cause' of LEDCs?
Loan repayments+interest repayments leading to high opportunity cost (schools, hospitals)
115 of 118
5 ways may the government help LEDCs?
Financial aid, encouraging investment to increase productivity, limiting population growth (less resource use), reduce reliance on a single industry (diversification) and encouraging free trade
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What's an NGO?
Non-governmental organisation
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4 examples of NGOs which help LEDCs?
World bank (aims to reduce poverty by lending money for projects), world trade organisation (promotes free trade and settles trading disputes), fairtrade foundation (raise farmers income in LEDCs) and charities (eg oxfam)
118 of 118
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Examples of positive externalities
Job creation, site development, training/education, research/development and new technology
Card 3
Examples of negative externalities
Card 4
What are stakeholders/stakeholder groups?
Card 5
What is stakeholder conflict?
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