Business Studies - Exam 3rd Dec..? 3.0 / 5 based on 2 ratings ? Business StudiesFinanceGCSEAll boards Created by: Carys HatcherCreated on: 14-10-13 17:26 What are start-up costs? The costs the business pays out, when they first start-up their business. 1 of 26 What is market segmentation? Who you target your products at, with similar interests 2 of 26 What is Capital? Wealth in money, or property, owned or employed in a business or by an individual. 3 of 26 What is 'the money that the business pays out'? Expenditure 4 of 26 What are operating costs? The day to day costs of running the business on a regular basis. 5 of 26 Fixed Costs? Costs your business pays each month, which stay the same. 6 of 26 Profit? When the revenue is more than the expenditure 7 of 26 Loss When the expenditure is more than the revenue 8 of 26 Variable COsts Costs that change 9 of 26 What is Cash Flow? A forecast of how a business is going to perform in one financial year. 10 of 26 Fixed and Variable COsts? The money going OUT of the business 11 of 26 Revenue? MOney coming IN the business 12 of 26 What is an LTD? A private limited company owned by lots of people, who each own a piece. 13 of 26 PLC? Public Limited Company, who raises money by selling shares to the public. 14 of 26 What is a purchase? The things you have brought during the year. 15 of 26 Give a definition of Closing stock? The stock you have left at the end of the year. 16 of 26 What is gross profit? The money you have made from selling your goods. 17 of 26 Cost of sales? Costs of the products you have brought. 18 of 26 What is 'the everyday running costs of your business?' Overheads 19 of 26 What is net profit? MOney you have left over, after paying all of your bills. 20 of 26 Margin of Safety is what? The difference between the 'break-even point' and the 'current level of output' 21 of 26 Balance Sheet? The statement of the total assets and liabilities of an organisation at a particular date. 22 of 26 Assets? Something owned by right. 23 of 26 Something the business owes is what? Liabilites 24 of 26 what is sales? Income 25 of 26 Opening stock? What stock you start your business with. 26 of 26
GCSE AQA business studies Unit 1 starting up a business 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating Teacher recommended
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