Business Studies Maths 0.0 / 5 ? Business StudiesMarketing and competitive environmentsASAQA Created by: CameronCreated on: 19-11-13 15:49 Added Value Sales Revenue - costs of bought-in goods and services 1 of 12 Market Size (£) Total number of units sold in the market x average selling price 2 of 12 Market Size (Units) Volume = amount total number of units sold in the market 3 of 12 Market Growth Change in market size/ original market size x100 4 of 12 Market Share Sales of a product or business/ total sales in the market x 100 5 of 12 Total Revenue Selling price per unit x number of units sold 6 of 12 Total Costs Fixed costs + Variable costs 7 of 12 Total Variable Costs Variable costs per unit x number of units produced or sold 8 of 12 Profit Total revenue - total costs 9 of 12 Contribution (per unit) Selling price per unit - variable costs per unit 10 of 12 Total Contribution Contribution per unit x units produced or sold OR total revenue - total variable costs 11 of 12 Break Even Output Fixed costs/ contribution per unit 12 of 12
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