Business Topic two quiz
a range of questions from topic 2
- Created by: Jake Lovick
- Created on: 10-03-11 10:39
Other questions in this quiz
2. What is a pure monopoly?
- One supplier has 100% market share
- where scale and fixed costs make it impractrical to have more than one supplier
- One producer sells multiple brands to reach different market segments and/or as a competitive strategy
3. What is a span of control?
- An organisation with multiple layers of management
- A number of subordinates that are directly answerable to a manager
- The sequence of authority down which instructions are passed
- Large organisations have a heirachical structure
4. Which of the following is the definition of corporate culture?
- Attitudes and habits of the organisation
- Chain of command
- Less contact with subordinates
- An organisation with multiple layers of management
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