Business unit 2: rise is part-time employment 3.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? Business StudiesRecruitment and retention of staffGCSEOCR Created by: HarpreetCreated on: 16-05-13 08:58 how many hours full time? about 40 hours 1 of 5 how many hours part time? between 10-30 hours 2 of 5 why choose part time? family time or other interests 3 of 5 why full time? financial reasons 4 of 5 why are employees more willing to work part-time? equal employment rights, get the same kind of benefits as others. 5 of 5
GCSE AQA business studies Unit 1 starting up a business 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating Teacher recommended
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