1-12. 13-24 25-40. "Mass for four voices-Kyrie" Byrd.
5 of 36
"Eleison" 4/3 suspension on the 3rd beat of the bar. Alto D to C#
Bar 23. "Mass for four voices- Kyrie" Byrd.
6 of 36
"Gloria in excelsis deo" - Tenor intonation
Pre-bar 1 "Mass for four voices - Gloria" Byrd.
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"Laudamus Te, Benedicimus te, adoramus te"
Bar 7 - 10. Homophonic texture between sop and alto, and tenor and bass. in musical dialogue.
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"Gratias agimus tibi" = we give thee thanks. Homophonic texture.
Bar 15. "Mass for four voices - Gloria"
9 of 36
"Rex Caelestis" =King of heaven (Alto Part)
Bar 28-29. "Mass for four voices-Gloria" Alto low down in tesitura. Majestic masculine.
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"Jesu Christe" repeated 3 times then it cadences. Rather than cadence on "Qui Tolis pecata mundi" which other composer of the mass did.
Bar 43-51. "Mass for four voices- Gloria"
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"Jesu christe" 4/3 suspension
Bar 48. "Mass for four voices-Gloria"
12 of 36
"Mundi" Melisma over 2 bars rhythmic intrest in alto part.
Bar 66. "Mass for four voices-Gloria"
13 of 36
"Quoniam tu solus sanctus" = for you alone are holy - declamatary sylabic word setting.
Bar 98. "Mass for four voices - Gloria"
14 of 36
"Tu Solus Altissimus" =most high god
Bar 106.High word painting "Mass for four voices- Gloria" Byrd.
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"Amen" Extended plagal cadence
Bar 126-9. "Mass for four voices-Gloria" Byrd.
16 of 36
Tierce de picardie "Amen"
Bar 129 "Mass for four voice - Gloria" Byrd.
17 of 36
"Credo in unum deum" Intonation
Pre-Bar 1 "Mass for four voices-Credo" Byrd.
18 of 36
"invisibilium" 7/6 suspension
Bar 13. "Mass for four voices-Credo" Byrd.
19 of 36
"Et ex Patre natum ante omnia saecula" 3 parts - reflect trinitarian theology
Bar 25. "Mass for four voices - Credo" Byrd.
20 of 36
"Facta sunt" Imperfect cadence
Bar 51 into 52. "Mass for Four voices- Credo" Byrd.
21 of 36
"Descendit de caelis" Melisma on decending phrase over 5 bars in soprano and Bass.
Bar 58-62. "Mass for four voices-Credo" Byrd.
22 of 36
"Caelis" 4/3 suspension Tenor Part
Bar 62. "Mass for four voices - Credo" Byrd.
23 of 36
"De spiritu sancto" Imitation by Bass of tenor part. down a 5th
Bar 56. "Mass for four voices-Credo" Byrd.
24 of 36
"Crucifixus etiam pro nobis sub pontio pilato" 3 Parts =trinity. Homophonic texture = Unity and impact
Bar 77. "Mass for four voices-Creed" Byrd.
25 of 36
"Et resurexit" accending phrase for rising from death
Bar 85-90. "Mass for four voices - Credo" Byrd.
26 of 36
"Et ascendit in caelum" rising octave scale over 2 bars in sop and Alto
Bar 94 and 95. "Mass for four voices - Credo" Byrd.
27 of 36
"Vivicantem" = bringer of life. Rythmic intrest lifely to show life.
Bar 125 "Mass for four voices - Credo" Byrd.
28 of 36
"Catholicam, catholicam et apostolicam eclesiam" = I believe in one holy catholic and apostolic church" Homophonic unity on the words universal church.
Bar 153. "Mass for four voice - Credo" Byrd.
29 of 36
"Sanctus" 4/3 suspension
Bar 13. "Mass for four voice - Sanctus and benedictus" Byrd.
30 of 36
"Osanna in excelsis" Canonic jubilant entry
Bar 37. "Mass for four voices - Sanctus and Benedictus" Byrd.
31 of 36
"In excelsis" 4/3 suspension
Bar 44. "Mass for four voices - Sanctus and Bendictus" Byrd.
32 of 36
"Benedictus" Begingin of new section after imperfect cadence.
Bar 46. "Mass for four voices - Sanctus and Bendictus" Byrd.
33 of 36
"Qui tolis" Alto above soprano line
Bar 3 into 4. "Mass for four voices -Anguis dei" Byrd.
34 of 36
"Mundi" 4/3 suspension
bar 37. "Mass for four voices - Agnus dei" Byrd.
35 of 36
"Dona nobis pacem" High tesitura naturally intensifies and crecendos music to climax
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