An approach to managing staff that focuses on cutting costs, e.g. temporary and part-time employment contracts, offering maximum flexibility but with minimum training costs
1 of 8
soft HRM
An approach to managing staff that focuses on developing staff so that they reach self-fulfillment and are motivated to work hard and stay with the business
2 of 8
Part-time employment contract
Employment contract that is for less than the normal full working week of, say, 40 hours, e.g. eight hours per week
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Temporary employment contract
Employment contract that lasts for a fixed time period, e.g. six months
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Flexi-time contract
Employment contract that allows staff to be called in at times most convenient to employers and employees, e.g. at busy times of day
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Zero-hours contract
No minimum hours of work are offered and workers are only called in -- and paid -- when work is available
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Collective bargaining
The process of negotiating the terms of employment between an employer and a group of workers who are usually represented by a trade union official
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Single-union agreement
An employer recognizes just one union for purposes of collective bargaining
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
An approach to managing staff that focuses on developing staff so that they reach self-fulfillment and are motivated to work hard and stay with the business
soft HRM
Card 3
Employment contract that is for less than the normal full working week of, say, 40 hours, e.g. eight hours per week
Card 4
Employment contract that lasts for a fixed time period, e.g. six months
Card 5
Employment contract that allows staff to be called in at times most convenient to employers and employees, e.g. at busy times of day
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