C2 mid-module (Construction materials) mid-module science revision material!<3 2.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? ChemistryRocks, ores, metals and alloysGCSEOCR Created by: AnjelalaCreated on: 12-02-13 21:44 How would you compare hardness? By rubbing 2 materials together. 1 of 14 Put Granite, Marble and Limestone in order of hardness. Granite is harder than marble> Marble is harder than limestone. 2 of 14 Are all buildings made from 1 material? No, often made with different materials and only lined with an expensive material. 3 of 14 Some raw materials are used to make construcion materials, Where are they found? In the Earth's crust. 4 of 14 Example of a raw material used to make brick? Clay. 5 of 14 2 raw materials used to make cement? Limestone and clay. 6 of 14 A raw material used to make glass? Sand. 7 of 14 A raw material used to make iron? Iron ore. 8 of 14 A raw material used to make aluminium? Aluminium ore. 9 of 14 What type of rock is Limestone? Sedimentary rock. 10 of 14 What type of rock is Marble? Metamorphic rock. 11 of 14 What type of rock is granite? Igneous rock. 12 of 14 How are sedimentary rocks formed? >Soft sediments compressed and cemented together. ( So it is quite soft.) 13 of 14 How are metamorphic rocks formed? >When limeston is changed by pressure and heat> Composed of and interlocking mos 14 of 14
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