C2: page 1 Natural and Synthetic Materials 0.0 / 5 ? ChemistryMaterialsGCSEOCR Created by: Brooke FergusonCreated on: 27-09-13 13:01 What are chemicals made up of? atoms or groups of atoms bonded together 1 of 7 What is a molecule? A group of atoms bonded together 2 of 7 What are three examples of materials we get from plants? wood, paper and cotton 3 of 7 What are three examples of materials we get from animals? Silk, wool and leather 4 of 7 What is a synthetic material? A material that is man made 5 of 7 What is an advantage of making materials in factories as appose to collecting them naturally? You can control its properties, making it suitable fro different purposes. Eg, synthetic rubber is used to produce wet suits 6 of 7 Where do the raw materials come from to make synthetic materials? The earths crust. E.g alluminium and chromium are used in alot of metal alloys 7 of 7
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