
  • Created by: hope
  • Created on: 13-05-14 20:01
What do tectonic plates float on?
The crust and the upper part of the mantle
1 of 18
Why has Britain been located on different parts of the surface of the Earth?
Most of the plates move at speeds of a few cm per year relative to each other
2 of 18
List three processes by which minerals are formed
Sedimentation, Evaporation and Erosion
3 of 18
What is coal made from?
4 of 18
Where is salt mined in the UK?
Underground deposits
5 of 18
What is rock salt?
A mixture of salt and impurities
6 of 18
Give three methods of obtaining salt industrially
Salt for food, Making chemicals, Roads to stop ice forming (grit)
7 of 18
What is a food preservative?
Something added to foods to give them a longer life, before they go out of date
8 of 18
Health concerns associated with too much salt?
High blood pressure, Strokes and Heart attacks
9 of 18
Name three products of brine electrolysis
Oven cleaner, Soap, Bleach
10 of 18
Give three uses of chlorine
Disinfectants, Killing bacteria, Plastics (PVC)
11 of 18
How is bleach made?
Reacting chlorine with sodium hydroxide
12 of 18
Name two toxic chemicals that can be used in large-scale brine electrolysis
Asbestos (can cause lung cancer) and Mercury (contaminated fish)
13 of 18
Why is chlorine added to water supplies?
Kills diseases causing microorganisms, Kills bacteria, Prevents growth of algae
14 of 18
What is an alkali?
A compound that forms hydroxide ions when dissolved in water
15 of 18
Why are alkalis added to some soils?
To grow, Neutralise the crops before being planted
16 of 18
What does LCA stand for?
Life Cycle Assessment
17 of 18
Four stages that need to be considered when doing an LCA?
Choice of material, Manufacture, Using the product and Product Disposal
18 of 18

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Card 2


Why has Britain been located on different parts of the surface of the Earth?


Most of the plates move at speeds of a few cm per year relative to each other

Card 3


List three processes by which minerals are formed


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is coal made from?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Where is salt mined in the UK?


Preview of the front of card 5
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