C3 Crossword 4.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? ChemistryGCSEAQA Created by: Jazzmac97Created on: 15-05-13 09:05 A reaction that gives off energy Exothermic 1 of 8 When flame tested the flame goes lilac Potassium 2 of 8 If the rate of a reversible reaction (both forawrds and backwards) is said to be equal it is in... Equilibrium 3 of 8 When you add add dilute nitric acid and silver nitrate to iodide what colour is the precipitate formed? Yellow 4 of 8 Which of the 3 (aluminium, calcium, magnesium) when excesses sodium hydroxide is added will the precipitate dissolve? Aluminium 5 of 8 What is the nameof the substance that forms when a carboxylic acid reacts with a alcohol? Ester 6 of 8 What part of the haber process if increased will always result in a higher yield of ammonia? Pressure 7 of 8 What process can you find exact volumes of solutions that react in neutralistion reactions? Titration 8 of 8
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