C4 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? ScienceAtomsGCSEOCR Created by: pinkbubble114Created on: 09-05-16 09:09 Why are group 1 elements stored in oil? They react with both water and air 1 of 12 What are group 7 elements known as? Halogens 2 of 12 What is Ionic Bolnding? Ionic bonding is between metal & non-metals 3 of 12 What is Covalent bonding? is between non-metals 4 of 12 How do you deside what group elements go in? It depends on how many electrons are on the outside shell 5 of 12 How do you deside what row aelements go in? How may shells are full/compleated 6 of 12 what charge does eletcrons,protrons and Neutron have? Electrons- Negitive (-). Protons- Positive (+). Neutron- Nutal (0) 7 of 12 what`s a period elements? Is all the elementsen that are in the same horizontal row in the periosic tabel 8 of 12 What happens to the reactivity of group 7 elemts as you go down the table? The reactivity goes down 9 of 12 What does CO2 do to lime water? M akes it go clowdy/milky 10 of 12 Why do metals have a high melting point? Due to their strong metallic bonding 11 of 12 What does Fluorine 2.7 mean? It was one inner shell that is full, and one that is one away from being full 12 of 12
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