C4 Crossword 0.0 / 5 ? ChemistryThe Periodic TableGCSENone Created by: TravishgCreated on: 09-05-15 17:31 Has a positive charge and a mass of 1 Proton 1 of 26 Number at the top Mass Number 2 of 26 Number at the bottom Atomic Number 3 of 26 An element with extra neutrons Isotopes 4 of 26 How we tell what electrons are where Electron Configuration 5 of 26 Groups atoms based on the amount of electrons an element has in the outer shell Columns 6 of 26 Tells us how many electron shells there are for each element Rows 7 of 26 Desired amount of electrons in the outer energy level Eight 8 of 26 Giant ionic lattices are the type of structure for Ionic compounds 9 of 26 Have high melting points, and boiling points due to the strong forces of attraction between ions. Giant Lattice Structures 10 of 26 Elements overlapping outer energy shells to gain a full energy level Covalent bonding 11 of 26 Elements giving up and receiving electrons to form a full outer energy level Ionic bonding 12 of 26 Group 1, gets more reactive as you progress down Alkali Metals 13 of 26 The loss of electrons Oxidation 14 of 26 The gain of electrons Reduction 15 of 26 Burns red Lithium 16 of 26 Burns orange/yellow Sodium 17 of 26 Burns Lilac Potassium 18 of 26 Group 7 The Halogens 19 of 26 Halogen + Alkali Metal = Salts 20 of 26 More reactive Halogens will ... less reactive ones Halogens 21 of 26 Bonds found in metal which allow electrons to move freely. Also have high melting points, boiling points, and density Metallic 22 of 26 At low temperatures, some metals are ... Superconductors 23 of 26 Found in the middle of the periodic table Transition Metals 24 of 26 Breaking stuff down with heat Thermal Decomposition 25 of 26 A solid formed in a solution Precipitation 26 of 26
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