CAD 0.0 / 5 ? OtherGCSEWJEC Created by: caraCreated on: 23-05-13 11:58 What does 'CAD' stand for Computer Aided Design 1 of 6 What is 'CAD' A software system 2 of 6 Who would benefit from using 'CAD' Manufacturers, engineers, product designers 3 of 6 Give some advantages of 'CAD' Accurate, quick to create, can cut on production costs 4 of 6 Give some disadvantages of 'CAD' Powerful hardware is needed, its expensive, the software is complex to use 5 of 6 Name 4 things that CAD is used for Design in 2D, processed in 3, calculations can be performed, suggest suitable materials , stimulate how it will perform under certain conditions 6 of 6