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- Created by: swal1990
- Created on: 10-11-18 12:14
What is Cancer?
A general term describing a complex disease caused by the uncontrolled, abnormal cell growth.
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The study of cancer
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How do healthy cells differ from cancer cells?
Cancer cells have abnormal regulation, can resist growth inhibitory signals, evade apoptosis and proliferate without limits.
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Cell death
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A process resulting in an increased number of cells
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Formation of new blood vessels. Cancer cells contain a growth factor that allows spontaneous growth of vessels to provide the cancer with oxygen and nutrients; and make them self-sufficient.
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A process by which cancer cells spread from the primary tumor, through the bloodstream, lymph system or through body cavities to a secondary site where they multiply to form a metastatic tutor. NB: NOT ALL CANCERS CAN METASTASISE
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Cell heterogeneity
The concept that cancer cells differ from one another, making them treatment resistant
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An enzyme produced by cancer cells which prevents the telomeres from shortening; thus making it easier to replicate.
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Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA)
A blood test to screen for prostate cancer
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DNA (Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid)
carries the genetic code that determines the characteristics of a living organism. Each DNA chain consists of neucleotide strings - Adenosine, Cytosine, Thymine and Guanine. Neucleotide sequences differ between individuals.
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Short sections of DNA, which code for proteins
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Long chains of DNA molecules
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Stretches of DNA which form caps at the end of chromosomes to protect their genetic data (like plastic ends on shoelaces). Each time cells divide, telomeres get shorter. When they get too short, cells can no longer divide and they die.
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Small particles of matter, made up of subatomic particles (protons, neutrons and electrons).
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Free Radicals
Atoms with an odd/unpaired number of electrons that are unstable and highly reactive. They can be normal/physiologic and pathological, causing cell damage.
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The process by which neutral/uncharged atoms gain or lose electrons to change their overall charge.
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A charged atom (can be positive or negative)
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Ionising Radiation
the process by which electromagnetic (radiation) waves carry enough energy to remove electrons from an atom causing it to become ionized and cause cell death. X or Gamma waves are often used as they have higher rates of energy.
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Spreading the total dose of radiotherapy across a number of days.
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The process that allows cells to specialise. Adverse conditions during differentiation can result in helpful and unproductive cellular alterations (i.e. hyperplasia, metaplasia, dysplasia, anaplasia)
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Increase in number of normal cells, resulting from increased metabolic demands, elevated hormones or stress. Hyperplasia is under normal DNA control.
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change in normal pattern of differentiation, so that dividing cells differentiate into ones not normally found in a particular location. It is under normal DNA control, protective in adverse conditions, and reversible.
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loss of DNA control over differentiation, resulting from adverse conditions. They have abnormal variations in size, shape, appearance and arrangement.
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regression of a cell to an immature/undifferentiated cell type. Not under DNA control. Occurs when an overwhelmingly destructive event occurs during division. Degree of anaplasia determines risk of cancer.
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initiation of cancer formation
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Abnormal genes that promote cell proliferation and can lead to cancer. They are typically suppressed by tumor suppressor genes.
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A substance capable of causing cancer. They can be categorised as genotoxic and promoter substances.
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Genotoxic carcinogens
A chemical or agent known to destroy genetic information in cells (i.e. DNA), cause mutations, and lead to cancer.
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Collection of cells that grows independently of its surrounding structure and has no physiological purpose.
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Benign neoplasm
Localised growth that is encapsulated, slow growing, remain stable in size and are subject to contact inhibition.
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Contact inhibition
The process whereby tutors stop growing when they reach the boundaries of another tissue.
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Malignant neoplasm
These grow aggressively, often have an irregular shape, and do not stop at tissue borders. They are invasive, destroy surrounding tissue, cause tissue death and can metastasise.
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A wasted appearance that is characteristic of cancer.
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Movement of cells in response to a chemical stimulus. This process draws tutors into normal tissue.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
The study of cancer
Card 3
Cancer cells have abnormal regulation, can resist growth inhibitory signals, evade apoptosis and proliferate without limits.
Card 4
Cell death
Card 5
A process resulting in an increased number of cells
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