CARBOHYDRATES (biological principles) 0.0 / 5 ? Human Biologycarbohydrates biological principles A2/A-levelAll boards Created by: laramorrisonCreated on: 23-01-18 11:01 MONOMER the simplest unit, or the repeating unit, of a polymer. 1 of 16 POLYMER A compound made up of several repeating units monomers 2 of 16 CONDENSATION A chemical reaction in which the joining of two organic compounds results in the production and release of water. 3 of 16 HYDROLYSIS The process of splitting a compound into fragments with the addition of water. 4 of 16 WHAT IS CARBOHYDRATES MADE UP OF? carbon & water 5 of 16 TRIOSE SUGAR C3H6O3 - Glyceraldehyde in glycolysis a stage of respiration 6 of 16 TETROSE SUGAR C4H8O4 7 of 16 PENTOSE SUGAR C5 H10 O5- Ribose/ Deoxyribose sugars making up part of the RNA/ DNA molecules. 8 of 16 HEXOSE SUGAR C6 H12 O6 - α-glucose and β-glucose makes storage/structural molecules. Also Fructose and Galactose. 9 of 16 MALTOSE ALPHA GLUCOSE + ALPHA GLUCOSE (intermediate in starch digestion) 10 of 16 LACTOSE ALPHA GLUCOSE + BETA GALACTOSE (Energy transport and storage in mammal milk) 11 of 16 SUCROSE ALPHA GLUCOSE + ALPHA FRUCTOSE (Energy transport and storage in plants) 12 of 16 MONOSACCHARIDE they are a simple 'unit' sugar. 13 of 16 DISACCHARIDES They consist of molecules whose form is two monsaccharides joined together. 14 of 16 POLYSACCHARIDES consists of molecules formed from many monosaccharides attached together in a long chain. 15 of 16 GLYCOSIDIC BOND a glycosidic bond is a type of covalent bond that joins a carbohydrate (sugar) molecule to another group, which may or may not be another carbohydrate 16 of 16
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