Care of Nutrition

  • Created by: Beckyrose
  • Created on: 19-02-14 05:21
What factors may affect Nutrition?
Growth & development, gender ethnicity & culture, beliefs about food, preferences, religious practices, lifestyle, economics, meds & health, psychological factors
1 of 11
What are some complications of Malnutrition
Impaired immunity (sepsis), wound healing, GI, cardiac & resp function, thermoregulation, apathy & depression, atrophic skin leading to pressure injuries
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What nursing interventions can be used for someone who is malnourished?
Collab & adhere w. preferences, assist w. meals & drinks, educate & evaluate for specials needs, meds, aids, diets and treatment, identify allergies, monitor & record weight & bsl, implement feeds (oral/enteral/gastro) dietitian consultation
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What are causes of Dysphagia?
Aging, cerebral palsy, stroke, demetia, huntingtons, brain & throat truama, meds
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What are problems associated w. Dysphagia?
Coughing, choking, may need oral suctioning, sputum, pain, taking longer than 30 mins to complete a meal, drooling & oral pooling, aspiration pneumonia, dehydration
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NGT - Nasogastric tube: short term
Short term, thorat surgery because throat will heal, trauma, eating disorders
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PEG: Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastromy: long term
Long term, dysphagic, probs w. digestions, major throat surgery, goes straight into stomach
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If you test aspirated content of a NGT what are you testing for? And what does it mean if its milky looking?
Testing for PH, if milky may indicate increased alkalinity - must make sure that the PH is not too acidic.
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What are some safety considerations of a NGT?
Pulmonary aspiration, tube occlusion & displacement, GI & metabolic disturbances
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What is the normal Blood Glucose reading for ECU?
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When would you monitor BSLs?
To assist in measuring BGL for diabetes, to determine Hyperglycemia or Hypoglycemia, to determine cause for loss of consciousness
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Card 2


What are some complications of Malnutrition


Impaired immunity (sepsis), wound healing, GI, cardiac & resp function, thermoregulation, apathy & depression, atrophic skin leading to pressure injuries

Card 3


What nursing interventions can be used for someone who is malnourished?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are causes of Dysphagia?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are problems associated w. Dysphagia?


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