Shortness of breath lying flat - must sit upright for sleeping
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What is 'Hypoxia'?
deficiency in oxygen reaching the tissues
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What can be the causes for 'hypoxia'?
< hemoglobin = < O2 carrying capacity, < conc of inspired O2 (e.g high altitudes) < diffusion of O2 from alveoli (pneumonia), inability for tissues to extract O2 from blood (COPD), impaired ventilation (trauma)
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What are the signs and symptoms of 'hypoxia'?
Tachycardia (High HR), shallow resps, restlessness, light headedness, tripod position, use of accessory muscles, change in behaviour, cyanosis is late sign
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What is Peak Expiratory Flow (PFR) and what is it used for?
It measures the point of the highest flow during max expiration - provides a measurement of lung function, it measures the amount of air someone can breathe out and if amount is reduced it may indicate obstruction of the airways - asthma
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Why should the pt be sitting upright for the PFR?
To open up lungs and allow the pt to fully expand and exhale
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What is an Incentive Spirometer used for?
To promote healthy lungs while they are healing, teaches how to take big slow breaths, it opens up airways & stops muccus build up, for post op, COPD, lung diseas
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