Caring For Older People
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- Created by: kayleighlouiseg98
- Created on: 18-05-16 14:21
What are the different sectors of community care?
Health services, social care services, domiciliary services, voluntary services and private services
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What are the community care and support services within the sector Health services?
GP surgery, community nursing, physiotherapy, continene nurse, health visitor, NHS Direct, dietics, hospital
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How can a GP support an elderly person with a disorder?
prescribe medication to reduce pain, gives advice on treatment and illness, refers them to other professionals
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How can a community nurse support an elderly person with a disorder?
monitor health to assess changes
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How can a physiotherapist support an elderly person with a disorder?
provides excercises to improve mobility, offer advice and make refferals, treatment might involve hydrotherapy, electrotherapy or massage
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How can a continence nurse support an elderly person with a disorder?
provide specialist continence, aids/equipment to maintain personal hygiene
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How can a health visitor support an elderly person with a disorder?
advise on health living practices to improve safety/reduce risks
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How can the NHS Direct support an elderly person with a disorder?
provide advice and guidance if their condition worsens
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How can a dietetician support an elderly person with a disorder?
advises about correct diet to prevent worsening of condition, educate and inform about healthy diets and encourage them to lead a healthier lifestyle
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How can a hospital support an elderly person with a disorder?
consultants diagnose condition, provide advice on treatment, perform operations to improve quality of life
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What are the community care and support services within the sector social care services?
Meals on wheels (work together with voluntary orgainsation), day care centres, residential care homes, nursing homes, sheltered accommodation, domiciliary care, respite care, counselling service, occupational therapist and social work provision
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How can social services support an elderly person with a disorder?
social worker assess needs to produce a care plan to ensure needs are met, make refferals, deals with housing issues, can help them apply for benefits, give advice, listen to them, help them join a club and meet new people
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How can a occupational therapist support an elderly person with a disorder?
assess home for aids and adaptions/provide specialist aids, give advice on safe practices to improve independence, help them cope with their daily life, assesment and treatment of phsyical, psychological and social problems
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How can a day care centre support an elderly person with a disorder?
meet others in similar situations to share experiences, increase social interaction to make friends/reduce isolation,
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How can transport services support an elderly person with a disorder?
take them to appointments so that they get there safely
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How can a residential care home support an elderly person with a disorder?
provides 24/7 care and support to help cope with disorder and have a quality of life
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What are the community care and support services within the sector domiciliary services?
This is personal care and support which they receive whilst living in their own home and provide support with daily living tasks and support with personal hygiene: meals on wheels, home help, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, dietics, podiatry
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How can meals on wheels support an elderly person with a disorder?
deliver ready meals to give the nutrients they require/reduce potential risks of her preparing her own meals and so she doesnt forget to eat
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What are the community care and support services in voluntary services (charity basis) sector?
day care centres, red cross mobility aids and support, meals on wheels (might have to pay for their meal), help the aged (people serving meals aren't paid) and luncheons club
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What community care and support services are within private services (people have to pay) sector?
private hospitals and private residential homes
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How can a community psychaitric nurse support an elderly person with a disorder?
Is a mental health professional. They see people in their homes or clinics. Assess patient's needs, support them through their illness, help them with taking medication and make sure they know when and how much to take, support family members
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How can a healthcare assistant support an elderly person with a disorder?
Can work within hospital under the guidance of a qualified healthcare professional. Duties include: washing, dressing, feeding, help mobilise, toilet, bed making, monitoring their condition by taking temp, pulse, weight etc.
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How can a speech therapist support an elderly person with a disorder?
Make assessment and offer treatment to people with speech, lang and communication problems
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What are some coping strategies that an older person with a disorder could use?
talk to others in similar situation, use aids/adaptions in home, seek advice from professionals, support from third sector organisations such as age concern, move into sheltered accommodation, meals on wheels, complementary therapies
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Why might an older person with osteoporosis have an increased likelihood of potential dangers to themselves?
poor mobility-more prone to falling, weak joints/muscles-likely to drop hot things, bones more likely to break/fracture, slower at crossing road-could get hit by car, unable to reach to wash themselves-more prone to infections, unable to excercise
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Give some voluntary services which could provide support for an older person with a disorder.
shopmobility, meals on wheels, dial a ride/ring and ride, age concern, british red cross, disability information ad advice centre, help the aged
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What positibe impact would a voluntary service have on an older person?
raise self esteem, improve confidence, empower them, provide advice and guidance, improve social interaction with others, feel valued/wanted, improved motivation, increased mobility, meet new ppl/make new friends, learn new skills, improve independen
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What negative impact would a voluntary service have on an older person?
low self worth/self esteem, helplessness, decreased confidence because they have to use the service, embarrassed/ashamed, sad/upset, depressed/stressed
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What would the positive effects be on an older person moving to residential home?
increased safety/security with aid/adaptions in place, staff there to support in emergency, support available 24/7, make new friends with other residents, join in activities arranged for residents, raised confidence, raised self esteem, less stressfu
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What would the negative effects be on an older person moving to residential home?
feel upset to leave old home, dependent on others, lose old friends, loss of self esteem, depression, feel they're losing control of their life,/independence, lack of confidence, less privacy because surrounded by others in care home
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What are the positive effects of an older person living in sheltered accommodation?
warden on call in emergency,
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Who does the Carers (Recognition and Services) Act apply to?
Informal carers e.g. family members
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What is the main purpose of the Carers (Recognition and Services) Act?
to recognise and protect the vital importance of informal carers in the community
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Who does the Mental Health Act apply to?
everyone who suffers from a mental illness
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What is the main purpose of the Mental Health Act?
allows people with a 'mental disorder' to be admitted to hospital, detained and treated without their consent – either for their own health and safety, or for the protection of other people.
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Who does the Health Act apply to?
Health, social care services and service users
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What is the main purpose of the Health Act?
To pull down the "wall" that divides health services funded and provided by the NHS from social services run by local councils
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How can the Care Standards Act ensure that an elerly person receives quality care?
they inspect home regularly, minimum standards of care have to be provided, regulations have to be applied consistently, complains and protection procedure, staffing at home must be of high quality, environment of home must be safe
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What ways will the Carers Recognition and Services Act ensure that elderly people receive the support needed to be cared for at home?
will assess the ability of carer to provide care, carer isn't expected to take on duties of professional care worker, care plan will be written to make sure needs are met, info given about services available, respite care can be given to carer
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What are the 3 care values?
maintain confidentiality, promote equality and diversity and promote individual rights and beliefs
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How can a care assistant apply the care value 'maintain confidentiality' when providing care for an elderly person?
respect their wishes for info to be kept private, don't talk about their care to those who don't need to know, don't leave notes lying around, ask permission to share info, don't give info over phone unless ID of caller can be proven
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How can a care assistant apply the care value 'promote equality and diversity' when providing care for an elderly person?
never stereotype individuals, use lang that they can understand, provide care according to their needs, listen carefully to them, use appropriate body lang, don't label ppl, don't verbally or physically abuse them, provide info in chosen lang
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How can a care assistant apply the care value 'promote individual rights and beleifs' when providing care for an elderly person?
encourage them 2 b independent, call them by their preferred name, allow them 2 have choices about their care nd treatment, provide equipment so they can do more for themselves, make sure all care is carried out safely, raise awareness of how 2 compl
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How could a sensory impairment affect daily living?
dififculty cooking, cleaning home, socialising with others, washing, shopping, more accident prone, need to use aids, dependent on others, difficult to get transport bc can't see or hear, cannot hear phone/doorbell, can't read or watch tv
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What ways can attending a day care centre improve the social development of an elderly person?
activities provided for them, form relationships with carers/other older people, less isolated/lonely, get advice/guidance/support, go on days out/trips
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What economic changes could an older person experience once retired?
rely on pension, have to budget carefully, may be eligible for benefits, free bus pass/pensioner discountmortgage paid off, less/more debts, may not be able to afford luxuries, bills, poorer diet, not able to treat grandchildren, downsizing of home
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What lifestyle changes could an elderly person experience once retired?
no longer in regular routine, more free time, take part in leisure activities, hobbies, dependent on others, voluntary work, no longer see work colleagues, household chores, look after grandchildren, help family,
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What are the community care and support services within the sector Health services?
GP surgery, community nursing, physiotherapy, continene nurse, health visitor, NHS Direct, dietics, hospital
Card 3
How can a GP support an elderly person with a disorder?

Card 4
How can a community nurse support an elderly person with a disorder?

Card 5
How can a physiotherapist support an elderly person with a disorder?

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