What is required to achieve, maintain or regain the quality of life factors.
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What are the possitive effects that carers can have?
Can stop individuals feeling lonely. Can reduce distress. Can empower individuals/make them feel valued. Can help indiviual maintain dignity and respect.
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What are the negative effects that carers can have?
Can push individuals further into isolation/distress. Can increase feelings of disempowerment/worthlessness. Can take away individual's dignity/respect.
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1. Encouraging
Care workers try to motivate/support individual through difficult times. Encourage behaviour in individuals that increases their health and well being, giving praise and encouragement for this behaviour.
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2. Showing approval
Care worker should smile and give praise to show they value the individuals efforts. Important as it makes them feel human.
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3. Creating trust
Care workers should build relationships, maintain confidentiality and be consistent. The individual will judge the carers reliability.
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4. Gaining compliance
Getting someone to agree to a recommended course of action. Care worker cannot order only advise and inform (persuade)
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5. Social perception
Care workers should be able to recognise feelings, needs and intentions accurately. Through facial expressions, posture, tone of voice, eye contact.
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6. Observation
1. Medical observation (tests/measurements) 2. Visual observation (changes in behaviour, food intake, wakefulness)
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7. Disengagement
Breaking an exchange or contact for short periods. Temporary withdrawl from hostile individuals. Acts as a 'time out'.
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8. Distraction
Used to manage temporary pain/anxiety. If attention focused on something else then pain/stress reduced. Care workers may teach how to use distraction techniques.
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9. Physical contact
Touching a hand or arm may convey an appropraite/caring attittude. But there are 'no go' areas.
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10. Modelling
Showing only socially acceptable behaviour. Carers bright and happy to encourage positivity. Schemes for young, single mums. Carers say please/thank you. Parents always use padestrian crossings.
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11. Working alongside
Care worker does same activity to provide motivation/encouragement. By taking part considered equal/less of a threat.
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12. Setting challenges
Suggesting achieveable tasks and activities to stimulate/improve the individual's skills, abilities and confidence. Targets should always have a purpose/an underlying reason
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13. Safe working places
A. The Management of Health and Safety at Work regulations 1999. B. The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. Training in lifting techniques, hygiene practices and personal safety maintenance.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What are the possitive effects that carers can have?
Can stop individuals feeling lonely. Can reduce distress. Can empower individuals/make them feel valued. Can help indiviual maintain dignity and respect.
Card 3
What are the negative effects that carers can have?
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